


Charity body arranges mass wedding for 70 couples in Kabul


發布於 2022年06月15日02:32 • AbdulHaleem

Photo taken on June 13, 2022 shows grooms at a mass wedding party in Kabul, Afghanistan. (Str/Xinhua)

A local charity organization has arranged a mass wedding party in Afghanistan's capital city Kabul for 70 couples who were unable to arrange wedding parties individually due to economic problems.

KABUL, June 15 (Xinhua) -- A local charity organization has arranged a mass wedding party for 70 couples in Afghanistan's capital city Kabul, the state-run Bakhtar news agency reported Tuesday.

Photo taken on June 13, 2022 shows brides at a mass wedding party in Kabul, Afghanistan. (Str/Xinhua)

"The Silab Foundation held a mass wedding for 70 couples in Kabul yesterday. The couples were unable to arrange wedding parties individually due to economic problems," Bakhtar said in its report.

Photo taken on June 13, 2022 shows grooms at a mass wedding party in Kabul, Afghanistan. (Str/Xinhua)

In Afghanistan, holding a marriage ceremony is expensive. In a normal wedding party, the groom's family has to invite hundreds of guests from both groom and bride families which normally costs at least 10,000 to 20,000 U.S. dollars.

The Taliban-run administration has called on people to avoid wasting money on marriages.■

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