


China Pickleball Circuit Shanghai stop concludes


發布於 05月06日14:09 • Li Bowen,Xu Dongyuan
Participants compete in the China Pickleball Circuit 200 Shanghai stop. (Xinhua)
Participants compete in the China Pickleball Circuit 200 Shanghai stop. (Xinhua)

SHANGHAI, May 6 (Xinhua) -- The China Pickleball Circuit 200 Shanghai stop concluded on Sunday.

The two-day event attracted 120 players from over 10 cities across the country for the men's doubles, mixed doubles, and men's singles, along with two age categories - 18-35 and 35+. It was integrated into the Chinese Tennis Association's ranking points system.

The event, open to all pickleball enthusiasts who meet the age requirements, also saw some well-known tennis and baseball players, including Meng Luqianzi and Zhang Baoshu, participate.

"As I played tennis before, I find it quite natural to play pickleball," said Meng, who has participated in nearly 10 pickleball competitions over the past few years. She added that she felt honored to win in Shanghai's first pickleball points tournament, also expressing her intention to continue participating in such events to gauge her skills.

Participants compete in the event. (Xinhua)
Participants compete in the event. (Xinhua)

Baseball legend Zhang, who traveled from Suzhou for the competition, explained his motivations. "I wanted to get some exercise and join it for fun. Organizing competitions like this in commercial areas will greatly boost public engagement," he said.

As the competition took place during the May Day holiday, organizers aimed to provide opportunities for citizens to watch and experience the sport by staging it in bustling commercial areas.

As a burgeoning sport, pickleball has gained popularity among youths due to its low entry barrier, quick learning curve, flexible court requirements, and strong social aspect. ■

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