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發布於 2020年07月27日13:36 • 邱家雪


1. @yoga.tuts – 不同主題學習

無論你是否學過瑜伽,這個IG帳戶也一定適合你,它的內容非常豐富,貼文中不時會有各式各樣主題的瑜伽動作教學,如果你Work From Home做到疲倦,可以參考「Anti-Desk Yoga」,有失眠問題的亦有一套可在睡床上練習的動作,還有拜日式、後彎、一字馬、倒立等教學影片,適合有一定經驗的練習者。每條影片約長1至5分鐘,內容簡單扼要,方便練習者每天抽10至15分鐘來練習,更容易持之以恆地練習,繼而慢慢培養對瑜伽的興趣。

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Video by @livinleggings 💛 ⠀ Working from home got your body moulding to the shape of your chair? (Or sofa 😂)? - Then here’s 6 simple stretches you can do at your desk to give your WHOLE body a quick stretch out, giving you a fresh burst of energy and a more comfortable body to live in ☺ - The last one might raise the most eyebrows if you try these in the office 😂 but it’s certainly the one that we all need the most! - ⃣ Chest + tricep stretch ⃣ Hands + shoulder stretch ⃣ Glutes + spinal stretch ⃣ Hip opener ⃣ Hamstring stretch ⃣ Psoas stretch - I hope they are all simple enough to not need hours of annotations over the video 😂 but please ask if you’re unsure how to do any ✌🏼

Yoga(@yoga.tuts)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 25 日 7:10 下午 發佈

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YOGA FOR BETTER SLEEP 😴 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ These poses and short exercises can be done from the comfort of your own bed 🛌 and are a great way to relax, unwind, bring down your heart rate and get your mind & body ready for a good snooze. 💤 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I recommend setting a calming atmosphere while doing this. Maybe turn on some meditation tunes, dim the lights, turn on a diffuser or light your favorite candle. 💕 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I hope this helps you all get a restful sleep! MELANIE 🚕 NYC on Instagram: “Yesterday I asked ya’ll to vote on what you wanted me to share, and th

Yoga(@yoga.tuts)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 25 日 4:10 下午 發佈

2. @kickassyoga – 解鎖高難度動作

疫情雖然令瑜伽班停課,但這亦是個好機會,讓自己安排練習,對已有一定瑜伽經驗的同學來講,絕對是一個解鎖新體式的好時機。如果你想學習更多高難度動作,就絕對要追蹤 @kickassyoga,它經常上載一些具挑戰性的式子,並教大家如何一步步進入體式,每個步驟亦有詳盡的描述,讓練習者清楚每個要點,練前當然要做足熱身和量力而為,安全第一。它在IGTV亦會不時上載10至30分鐘的教學影片,日常也可跟住練習,加強肌力和柔軟度。

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KAKASANA vs BAKASANA Here’s 2 tutorials in one: swipe to find out about the difference between Crow & Crane pose. For this straight arm strength pose it’s important to turn the hands out in order to protect the wrists. Or work with parallette bars. And don’t worry if this one doesn’t work yet! It’s quite advanced. Until then, practice holding the bent arm version first! Outfit by @beeathletica #KickAssYoga #yoga #howto #crow #crane #bakasana #kakasana #yogatutorial

Kick Ass Yoga(@kickassyoga)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 26 日 2:36 上午 發佈

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HOW TO: 1 LEGGED CHAIR TWIST When I first attempted this pose a couple of years ago, I had so many questions. The main one was: how on Earth is this possible?! Well, it‘s in the twist ;) crossing your arms feels really weird but it‘s an essential step to get to the final expression of this variation! #KickAssYoga #yoga #yogatutorial #inflexibleyogis #yogafeature

Kick Ass Yoga(@kickassyoga)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 4月 月 21 日 2:51 上午 發佈

3. @yogaalignment – 糾正最易做錯的式子

除了學習新動作,重覆練習基本體式,打好根基亦同樣重要,@yogaalignment 正正介紹了許多初學者在做不同式子時的常見問題,並配以正確姿勢作對比,旁邊更有筆記提示哪裡需要用力、伸展等重點,例如:在做蛇式時應避免出現圓肩、膝貼地和仰望;做單腿鴿王式要打開胸腔、保持重心在正中等。在家練習缺少了導師的提示,更依賴自己對身體的感知,如能面對鏡子練習當然最好,如果沒有也可用手機錄低練習過程,重播時便能觀察到自己的動作是否標準。

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📷 @riva_g_ Often called a beginner pose (hint: it's not) this pose requires strength in the hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, ankles and core & a good amount of flexibility of the spine and ankles. What's been your experience with this pose? Do you think it should be considered a beginner pose? Here are some tips for 🐕 #UrdhvaMukhaSvanasana ↔ #UpwardFacingDogPose on @yogaalignment Getting the basics down is key to building a strong foundation for your yoga practice. You can tilt your chin up, just don't kink the neck all the way back ❤ There are a few options to modify this pose if you are working on flexibility and strength. If you'd like more info on how to modify it, ask in the comments! . . . #YAbackbends #yogaalignment #updog #updogpose @yogaalignment #upwardfacingdog #upyoga #upwarddog #updogpose #sunsalutation #yoga #yogaposes #yogatutorial @yogaalignment #yogawithriva #backbends #suryanamaskar #backbendlove

Yoga Alignment Tutorials &Tips(@yogaalignment)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 22 日 9:39 下午 發佈

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📷 @martina_sergi #EkaPadaRajakapotasanaVariation ↔ #OneLeggedKingPigeonPoseVariation or #MermaidPose on @yogaalignment ・ ・ ・ MERMAID POSE ✨ A beautiful hip and quad opener to open up the whole front of the body. One of my favourites! It's very easy to compress the lower back and neck with this one so here is basic alignment to ensure correct posture: . ✔ Square hips forward ✔ Draw back hip down ✔ Flex front foot ✔ Lengthen spine / lift torso ✔ Hook back toes into elbow crease ✔ Broaden chest ✔ Open and relax top shoulder ✔ Lengthen neck / gaze forward ❗️Ensure you stretch quads, hips, glutes and shoulders before attempting pose. ❗️This is a mild backbend so take care in not over-extending ✨BENEFITS: Opens chest, quads, hips, groin, back and shoulders. Strengthens core and pelvic floor and improves balance. Enjoy! .. . . #YAbackbends #yogaalignment #improveyourpractice @yogaalignment #yogawithmarti

Yoga Alignment Tutorials &Tips(@yogaalignment)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 5 日 8:34 下午 發佈


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📷 @maryochsner HOW TO MASTER 🐾 #ChaturangaDandasana ↔#FourLimbedStaffPose or #LowPlankPose on 👉@yogaalignment . Everyones favorite yoga pose! 🙃🤣 Haha but seriously 😳 this is a pose you’re most likely going to see in yoga! This tutorial shares pose tips as well as ways to modify + strengthen so you can PRACTICE Chaturanga properly!! . ⭐️CHATURANGA: First off… this is not an easy pose! So don’t be hard on yourself if it feels impossible 🙌🏼✨Focus on keeping the body in a straight line and only lower down about half way. The arms make a 90 degree angle and the elbows point back! . ⭐️COMMON MISTAKES: The most common thing I see is people lifting their hips too high or too low. I also see collapsing in the chest and dropping way lower than you need to! . ⭐️HOW TO BUILD STRENGTH + MODIFY: Please don’t hesitate to modify this pose!! Dropping the knees is a great place to start. Also try mini Chaturanga!! Just bending the elbows a little to build strength! 💪🏼🔥 . ⭐️MY SECRET FOR FAST RESULTS: Alright…. I’ll let you in on my secret for getting the best, quickest, most amazing results…… PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! 😄💖🙌🏼✨ The more you practice these drills the stronger you’ll become! Do them every day if you can and I promise you’ll be amazed at your results. But you need to stick with it! . 💁🏼‍♀️HAVE QUESTIONS?!! Let me know in the comments! And keep me in the loop on your progress 🙌🏼✨ I love hearing how your practice transforms from using these tutorials!! . Music: Cactus by Jef . #YAstrengthpose #vinyasa @yogaalignment #vinyasaflow #yogastrength #yogaalignment

Yoga Alignment Tutorials &Tips(@yogaalignment)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 5月 月 19 日 4:51 上午 發佈

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📷 @yogawithjib 🐮 @yogaalignment Is your #CowPose ↔️ #Bitilasana happy or sad?? . 🐮 Happy cow= joints in line, neck long, back extended, hands pressing, shoulders blades gently squeeze together ☹ Sad cow= joints not in line, neck kinked back, hands relaxed, shoulders protracted or chest closed . . Save this post for later or share with a friend! . #YAbackbends @yogaalignment #catcow #yogawarmup

Yoga Alignment Tutorials &Tips(@yogaalignment)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 5月 月 5 日 8:01 下午 發佈

4. @beachyogagirl – 配合健身工具訓練

如果覺得齋練瑜伽太單一,推介你follow @beachyogagirl,她除了會示範瑜伽動作,亦經常上載普拉提訓練影片,普拉提比起瑜伽更講求核心肌肉力量,亦會配合不同工具提升運動強求,例如:配合泡沫滾軸做弓步蹲、利用阻力帶練側腹、跪在迷你健身球上練擺腿等,如果你家中有這些健身工具,又想擺脫沉悶重覆的push up、sit up練習,不妨跟著這位沙灘女孩,在今個夏天練成結實馬甲線吧!


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🔥 How is your hip mobility?😅🔥 ⠀ This little exercise packs quite a punch!🥊 Using the Pilates soft ball under your knee will recruit your deep abs while you train your active hip flexibility by bringing the leg forward. Try to imaging touching your shoulder with a flexed foot. Go slowly through a set of 10 on each side. ⠀ I will warn you … it burns 🔥 but I’m sure you already knew that, right?😂 ⠀ If you don’t have one of these little #Pilates balls, you can use a kids ball if you let some air out if it. You could also use a foam roller or anything that is unstable so that your deep abs turn on. ⠀ When you exhale, make the “shhh” sound which will also help you target the deep abs (TVA). ⠀ If you like these posts, try a free class “Happy Hip, Core & Backside” on my website. Go to www.beachyogagirl.com. ⠀ To get $10 off any plan, Apply the code “IAMREADY” when registering.👏🏻 ⠀ #BYGMETHOD

Kerri Verna(@beachyogagirl)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 4月 月 6 日 3:17 下午 發佈

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How many reps do you think until this 𝗯𝘂𝗿𝗻𝘀 or you fall over? 🤔🤣😅🔥 ⠀ I’ve been creating a resistance band program for those looking to tone and shape in a short amount time. (I hope to have done next month 🎉) ⠀ It’s been so fun creating these classes … I’m sore all over, and I love it!💪🏻 ⠀ This one is harder than I’m making it look. This was my first set. By the 6th rep I was struggling to stabilize my hips. I realized just how active the deep core has to be to support your body in this position while you pull your knee to elbow. ⠀ 𝗧𝗔𝗚 a friend and try it! ⠀ Directions: Stack hips, draw navel in, and place band around the tops of your feet. Draw knee to elbow on the exhale - squeezing the obliques.🔥 ⠀ Have fun! ⠀ #BYGMETHOD beachyogagirl.com For info on all my programs and classes click the link in my profile.🙏🏻

Kerri Verna(@beachyogagirl)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 23 日 12:54 下午 發佈

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Do you even foam roll?😉😂🤗😅 Bookmark this post! 🔖 ⠀ I hardly ever use props the way they are intended, but I guess after 18 years of teaching, you get a little inventive.😉 ⠀ Here is another fun way to use your foam roller to add a little more 💪🏻 to your crescent lunge. ⠀ Tips: Press/push your hands into the roller as you exhale and hover knee over the floor. Then, extend arms high (continue pressing on roller) as you rise up! ⠀ You could also do the opposite “pull” work with a yoga strap if you wanted to add this into a yoga class! ⠀ Adding props can make challenging movements even more … you guessed it, challenging! ⠀ Props are fun! They can sometimes make “easy” things hard and “hard” things easy(er)😉! ⠀ Give this one a try and let me know how it goes! ⠀ If you like what I share, don’t forget to “like”❤️ this post and tag a friend!🙏🏻 ⠀ My NEW #BYGMethod online program is now available! 👉🏻I have two specials right now on the Quarterly & Yearly plans. You can find out more by clicking the link in my profile. ⠀ www.beachyogagirl.com ⠀ #yoga #foamroller #mobilitytraining

Kerri Verna(@beachyogagirl)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 14 日 3:57 下午 發佈

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