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WOW!!!50,000 Followers!謝謝每一個喜歡的大家!❤️ 上週才好不容易讓萬吉秀娥弄懂了10,000個人追蹤=10,000個人訂報紙的道理(因為老人家不懂得什麼叫追蹤,只好這樣解釋),然後剛剛馬上跟他們說今天已經50,000人訂報紙了!而且裡面有超過14,500人是外國人,萬吉的瞬間不是大笑,而是問:「那以後怎麼辦?我講台語他們聽的懂嗎?」 真的很意外大家喜歡萬吉和秀娥!在滿1萬人的時候,因為看見他們這兩週因為開心帶來的改變,我(孫子)超級感動,真的很想謝謝大家,就自掏腰包做了幾個小小小禮物送給大家,結果…做的都還沒寄來,就變成5萬了啊!大家願意等一下下嗎…雖然只有幾個,但到時候不管抽到的人是在這個世界的哪一個地方,我一定會用最快的快遞寄給你表達我的感謝! WOW! ! ! 50,000 Followers! Thank you everyone who likes it. Last week, Wan Ji & Sho-Er finally figured out what means by 10,000 followers = 10,000 people subscribing to newspapers (because the elderly actually don't know what “follower” is. I had to explain it this way) I told them that 50,000 people have subscribed to their newspaper today, and there are more than 14,500 people who are from other countries. At that moment, it was really funny that the reaction of Wanji was worried instead of happy. He asked, "What will happen after that? Do they understand if I speak Taiwanese?" It’s really surprising that everyone likes Wanji and Sho-Er. When it reached 10,000 followers, I (as a grandson) was so touched by the sudden change and experience in our lives in the past two weeks. I would like express our gratitude in a special way. I decided to prepare some small gifts to our fans. but …unexpectedly, before the gifts were able to be delivered to my house, it turns into 50,000 followers. Please wait for a while…although I only prepare a few gifts. I will randomly draw a few lucky fans. No matter where in the world our fans are, I will send the gift to you by the fastest express delivery to express my gratitude. #萬秀洗衣店 #萬秀的洗衣店 #wantshowasyoung #grandparents - - - _ #mixandmatch #clothes #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #grandma #grandpa #femmefuture #classyvision #vintage #古着 #コーディネート #love #laundry #outfits
萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 21 日 3:40 上午 發佈
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👵🏼秀娥(84才)嫁過來的時候,就跟著做洗衣店,很苦捏,門口還要兼賣冰。 秀娥說:以前我也都打扮的像小姐,現在臉皺巴巴不敢出門了啦。 #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents #mixandmatch #clothes #craftsman #しょくにん #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代
萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 6月 月 28 日 5:51 上午 發佈
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態度x秀娥自cue的眼神,眼神+10。 👵🏼秀娥 洋裝:10年以上未取吊帶洋裝 內搭:10年以上未取小碎花白襯衫 貝雷帽:私服 溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿 These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents #mixandmatch #clothes #craftsman #しょくにん #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #grandma #そぼ #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap @uniqlo_ootd #converse @converse #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #ynet #femmefuture #culturecartel @nataliadornellas
萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 6月 月 29 日 9:11 下午 發佈
時髦又有趣的風格引來極大迴響,不過當專頁粉絲人數已突破1萬時,兩老其實不懂當中的意思,直到孫子以「訂報紙」比喻來解釋,他們才驚覺原來有那麼多人要看自己。到了5萬訂閱時,由於當中有不少海外「讀者」,萬吉秀娥比起開心反而擔憂只懂台語令大家聽不懂,特別學了「Thank you very much」拍片來感謝網民,實在是非常可愛的老人家!
他們分別以台語、國語、英文及日文感謝大家。(限時動態截圖) 除了沉浸在萬吉與秀娥的恩愛互動,孫子超強古著搭配亦儼如在扮High Fashion時裝騷,襯出走斯文路線的、簡約文青系的,甚至是日本街頭風,完美活現專頁宗旨「衣服就算放了10年,還是可以很時尚」,非常值得我們參考。
▼卡其色西裝以T恤作內搭並拼上帆布鞋,正式得來又不失休閒感的smart casual,我是在看韓劇嗎?
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如果今天還是秀娥氣勢贏,那我就會告訴萬吉,說應觀眾要求,必須出一篇秀娥特輯! 前幾天VOGUE的文章說到:「有一種愛叫萬吉和秀娥的愛❤️」,這是什麼愛?其實孫子也不知道,但當有人把整套好看的西裝送洗未取,拿來給兩人穿上,就算這次沒有相視而笑,就算衣服來自不同主人,也還是會覺得是情侶裝,這應該就是愛吧? 👴🏼萬吉(身長160) 成套西裝:至少20年以上未取成套雙排扣白西裝 內搭:8年以上未取布達佩斯紀念T(已找到新主人) 腰帶:萬吉的領帶 👵🏼秀娥(身長155) 成套西裝:至少15年以上未取全套卡其西裝 內搭:3年未取白t恤 💡溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿、認同請分享❤️ These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #有一種愛叫萬吉和秀娥的愛 #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents - - - #mixandmatch #clothes #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #grandma #grandpa #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #femmefuture @nataliadornellas @irdailystyle @styleshare_kr #classyvision #vintage #古着 #コーディネート #love
萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 16 日 8:53 下午 發佈
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本來想拍出冷酷的感覺,結果這套每一張的萬吉和秀娥都自己在秀恩愛啦! 這兩件西裝外套真的有夠久,據說甚至可能比孫子年紀還大(不可考),但是剪裁和設計實在完全不輸現在的風格,萬吉身上那件衣服有個細節沒有呈現到,那是一件格紋拼接的獵裝啊!!!雖然兩件size對於萬吉秀娥大了點,但是卻因為秀恩愛好像變成情侶裝了啦! 👴🏼萬吉(身長160) 西裝外套:應該有20年以上未取格紋獵裝 上衣:阿公日常白內衣 褲子:阿公私服西裝褲破掉自己去改短的短褲 👵🏼秀娥(身長155) 西裝外套:至少15年以上未取長版駝色西裝 內搭:5年以上未取金釦針織上衣 裙子:再度由秀娥30年私服擔綱 💡溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿、認同請分享❤️ These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents #mixandmatch #clothes #craftsman #しょくにん #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #budapest #grandma #grandpa #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #femmefuture #culturecartel @nataliadornellas #classyvision #vintage #古着
萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 9 日 8:48 下午 發佈
▼單色logo hoodie加短牛、白T西裝褲另類搭復古運動外套,完美重現日本街頭風。
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你看看,秀娥的臉真的很會擺! 整理找到2件被遺忘的Adidas,所以今天嘗試兩個人年輕時也沒穿過的運動型態!也是店裡比較意外居然會被遺忘的年輕款式(?)結果萬吉秀娥還是輕鬆駕馭😅從櫃檯把阿公發呆的椅子拉出來讓他們坐著,結果秀娥自己擺了這樣的pose?! 👴🏼萬吉 上衣:主人已領取 褲子:萬吉私服—洗衣服時穿的工作褲 👵🏼秀娥 上衣:5年以上未取女白T 外套:2年以上未取Adidas 棒球外套 褲子:阿嬤私服,年代自己都忘了 💡溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿、認同請分享❤️ These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents #mixandmatch #clothes #craftsman #しょくにん #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #budapest #grandma #grandpa #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap @uniqlo_ootd #converse @converse #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #ynet #femmefuture #culturecartel @nataliadornellas #classyvision #adidas
萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 3 日 9:08 下午 發佈
▼客人於旅遊時入手的布達佩斯紀念T恤,兩老以同色系下身衣襯出情侶裝,看到這個頓時覺得大家的camp T、班T或者都會有重生的一日。
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這不是要說阿公在模仿年輕時看小姐的樣子! 而是一個有點悲傷,關於布達佩斯旅遊紀念T被遺棄的故事…身上的衣服,來自被放了至少8年以上的T恤區,衣服上面寫著布達佩斯,而這位客人一共送洗了五件,分別是黑白灰黃紅,除非他真的很愛這一件T恤的款式,不然一定是一家人出遊時買的吧?但…就是洗了沒有來拿,不知道他們一家的記憶中是否還有布達佩斯。 👴🏼萬吉 上衣:至少8年布達佩斯紀念T 褲子:至少3年以上未取UQ卡其褲 👵🏼秀娥 領巾:兩條被遺棄的手帕綁成 上衣:至少8年布達佩斯紀念T 裙子:阿嬤30年私服 💡溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿、認同請分享❤️ These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents #mixandmatch #clothes #craftsman #しょくにん #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #budapest #grandma #grandpa #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap @uniqlo_ootd #converse @converse #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #ynet #femmefuture #culturecartel @nataliadornellas #classyvision #vintage
萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 2 日 7:08 上午 發佈
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60多年如一日的攜手,每天早上8點,萬吉秀娥依然準時開店! 好像有個結論,萬吉只要遮起⋯禿⋯頭,就變年輕⋯然後,秀娥目前沒有hold不住的穿搭啊! 👴🏼萬吉(身長160) 外搭:5年以上未取短袖襯衫 上衣:10年以上未取花襯衫 褲子:阿公私服洗衣工作短褲 👵🏼秀娥(身長155) 上衣:10年以上未取花襯衫 裙子:30年以上秀娥私服 💡溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿、認同請分享❤️ These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents #mixandmatch #clothes #craftsman #しょくにん #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #budapest #grandma #grandpa #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap #converse @converse #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #femmefuture #culturecartel @nataliadornellas #classyvision #vintage #古着
萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 7 日 8:50 下午 發佈
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秀娥開心❤️(萬吉到底說了什麼?) 萬吉看秀娥穿這樣好像講起了什麼事,結果秀娥就突然笑了~這件看起來很少女的衣服不知道什麼原因也被主人遺忘,但阿嬤再度無違和的撐起…另外要說一下萬吉的眼鏡,一個83歲的老人家,以前都戴金框眼鏡,結果某一天他出門回來,自己去配了一副黑框… 👴🏼萬吉(身長160) 外搭:7年以上未取格紋壓扣襯衫 上衣:5年以上未取條紋亨利領襯衫 褲子:阿公私服工作短褲(但堅持工作褲也要熨燙過) 👵🏼秀娥(身長155) 洋裝:10年以上未取吊帶格紋洋裝 內搭:10年以上未取小碎花襯衫 💡溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿、認同請分享❤️ These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents #mixandmatch #clothes #craftsman #しょくにん #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #budapest #grandma #grandpa #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap @uniqlo_ootd #converse @converse #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #femmefuture #culturecartel @nataliadornellas #classyvision #vintage #古着
萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 5 日 8:58 下午 發佈
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大家再稍等幾天!萬吉的手康復中🙏🏼 想問一個問題,這裡是秀娥👵🏼粉比較多,還是萬吉👴🏼粉比較多呢? 最近萬吉似乎發現秀娥粉比較多,就一直在拿以前照片出來,證明以前很帥,然後秀娥也不甘示弱,找了一堆年輕出去玩的照片😂 👴🏼萬吉 上衣:主人已領取 褲子:萬吉私服—洗衣服時穿的工作褲 👵🏼秀娥 上衣:5年以上未取女白T 外套:2年以上未取Adidas 棒球外套 褲子:阿嬤私服,年代自己都忘了 💡溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿、認同請分享❤️ These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents - _ #mixandmatch #clothes #craftsman #しょくにん #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #budapest #grandma #grandpa #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #femmefuture #culturecartel @nataliadornellas #classyvision #vintage #古着 #コーディネート
萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 14 日 9:04 下午 發佈
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