


Chinese new energy cars gaining popularity in Jordan amid green transition


發布於 2022年08月18日19:37 • ,

People view cars made by Chinese automaker Changan in a showroom in Amman, Jordan, on Aug. 15, 2022. (Photo by Mohammad Abu Ghosh/Xinhua)

With cost-effectiveness, trend-setting design, and cutting-edge technology in electric power, Chinese new energy cars are gaining popularity among Jordanians who are pursuing a greener future like the rest of the world.

AMMAN, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) -- Azmi Ahmad, a 45-year-old Jordanian, recently replaced his gasoline-powered car with a Chinese-brand new energy vehicle (NEV), as the Arab country's fuel price has increased for the 5th time this year.

"I used to spend around 160 Jordanian dinars (225 U.S. dollars) per month on gasoline, but now the Skywell electric car only costs me 20 dinars per month," he told Xinhua in Amman.

For Wesal Hassan, who bought a NEV from another Chinese automaker Changan, an eight-year car battery warranty and innovative safety technologies attracted her most.

Noting her NEV could travel 300 km on a single charge, she was satisfied with its strong performance and energy-saving advantages which save her at least 1,500 dinars in fuel bills annually.

Photo taken on Aug. 15, 2022 shows cars made by Chinese automakers Changan and BAIC at a car dealership in Amman, Jordan. (Photo by Mohammad Abu Ghosh/Xinhua)

"We introduced this Changan NEV model into the Jordanian market last year, and it has sold 500 units … Now we have 1,000 units on our waiting list, which are expected to be delivered to customers before the end of the year," Yehya Shanti, a sales manager of Changan, told Xinhua at the showroom in the Mecca Street of Amman.

Chinese NEV brands are becoming increasingly popular in Jordanian vehicle markets, because of their advantages such as cost-effective, trend-setting car design, and cutting-edge technology in electric power, which contribute to a greener future Jordan is seeking.

"Currently, there are 13 different brands of Chinese NEVs in Jordan. In total, they take up around 40 percent of the local market share," Shanti said, whose company started the dealership of Changan in 2013, which has now expanded to four branches across the kingdom.

Moayyad Nasir, the representative agent of Skywell, recalled that his dealership of Chinese vehicles was initially full of uncertainty, as the market was saturated with European, Korean, Japanese, and American brands.

People view cars made by Chinese automaker Changan in a showroom in Amman, Jordan, on Aug. 15, 2022. (Photo by Mohammad Abu Ghosh/Xinhua)

"Later, we were surprised with the high demand, which means Chinese NEVs are recognized by the local market because of their reliability, affordability, and long-term services … The current orders are for 2023 models as all 2022 models have sold out," he added.

Shanti expressed his strong confidence in Chinese NEVs and the bright prospect of the industry in Jordan. "We can see a skyrocketing demand for NEVs this year, accelerated by the global increase in fuel prices and people's pursuit of an eco-friendly lifestyle," he said.

Correspondingly, figures released in early August by the Jordan Free Zone Investor Commission indicated that clearance of electric vehicles in Jordan increased by 227 percent in the first seven months of 2022 compared with the same period in 2021.

A sales manager charges an electric car made by Chinese automaker Changan at a car dealership in Amman, Jordan, on Aug. 15, 2022. (Photo by Mohammad Abu Ghosh/Xinhua)

The Jordanian government also encourages people to turn to a green vision, including offering tax and custom reductions for NEVs and boosting the establishment of car-charging stations.

As of August, more than 80 car-charging stations countrywide are completing the licensing procedures for operating, while more than 1,700 approvals have been given for the installation of power meters in households, according to Jordan's Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission.

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