


Cuba surpasses 1 mln COVID-19 cases since onset of pandemic


發布於 2022年01月17日23:55 • eYosleyCarrero

A worker wearing a face mask sterilizes a bus to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 in Havana, Cuba, June 4, 2020. (Xinhua/Zhu Wanjun)

The milestone came after the Caribbean nation registered 3,306 new cases of COVID-19 and one more related death in the previous 24 hours, raising the nation's caseload to 1,002,499 and the pandemic death toll to 8,341.

HAVANA, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) -- Cuba on Monday surpassed one million cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic first hit the island in March 2020, the Health Ministry said.

The milestone came after the Caribbean nation registered 3,306 new cases of COVID-19 and one more related death in the previous 24 hours, raising the nation's caseload to 1,002,499 and the pandemic death toll to 8,341.

According to the ministry, there are currently 17,443 active cases.

Cuba's eastern province of Holguin registered the highest number of daily coronavirus cases (419), followed by the provinces of Pinar del Rio (278) and Camaguey (257).

To date, more than 87 percent of Cubans have been fully jabbed against coronavirus with homegrown vaccines, the ministry said.  ■

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