


GLOBALink | China's second nuclear unit with Hualong One reactor starts power generation


發布於 2022年01月02日13:22 • Lin Kai,Fu Yingting

FUZHOU, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) -- China's second nuclear power unit using Hualong One, a domestically designed third-generation nuclear reactor, has begun generating electricity, paving the way for commercial operation.

The No. 6 unit in the city of Fuqing, east China's Fujian Province, was connected to the power grid at 10:35 p.m. on Saturday and started power generation, according to the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC).

On-site staff confirmed that the unit was in good condition, and all the technical indicators met the design requirements.

According to CNNC, every nuclear power unit using Hualong One has an installed capacity of 1.16 million kilowatts. It is expected to generate nearly 10 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, equivalent to a reduction of 3.12 million tonnes of standard coal consumption and 8.16 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.

The first Hualong One unit globally and the first unit overseas were put into commercial use in 2021 in Fuqing and Pakistan, respectively.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service

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