


GLOBALink | Pakistani PM hails China for timely flood relief aid


發布於 2022年09月30日14:14 • Wang Huan,Deng Kaiyin,unreguser,unreguser

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 30 (Xinhua) -- Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has appreciated China and its leadership for providing timely aid and relief goods for the flood-affected people of the country.

Speaking at a meeting to donate funds for the flood-affected people by the China Three Gorges Corporation (CTG) at the Prime Minister's House in the capital Islamabad on Thursday, Shahbaz expressed his gratitude to the Chinese government, leadership and people who stood by Pakistan during the difficult time.

Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Nong Rong and a delegation of the CTG led by the deputy head of the China Three Gorges South Asia Investment Limited Du Bangxiao handed over a cheque of cash 153,092,150 Pakistani rupees (650,000 U.S. dollars) as a relief fund.

The prime minister told Chairman of China Three Gorges International (CTGI) Wu Shengliang, who joined the meeting through a virtual link, that the donation would be a precious help to uplift the affected people.

On the same occasion, Ambassador Nong told the prime minister that China is the leading donor when it comes to flood relief efforts in Pakistan, adding that China has provided relief goods, including blankets, food packages and tents, and would continue to play its role in relief activities.

Talking about the destruction by the floods, Sharif said more than 1,600 people lost their lives during the floods, millions of houses were ravaged, infrastructure was badly affected and over 4 million acres of crops were washed away.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service

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