


商用電郵常見的6大實例!教你表達客氣得體態度|Ken Ng


更新於 2020年02月14日01:16 • 發布於 2020年02月15日00:00


撰文:Ken Ng (KEN哥哥)|圖片:Unsplash


Pleasantries(客套話):無論是B2B(Business-to-business) 或是B2C (Business-to-consumer) ,商用電郵首部分不是要說出主題,而是表達感謝,當然這部分也不宜過長。一、兩句客套話便足夠了。商業電郵跟普通電郵不同之處,是後者一向注重簡約及到點。

1. It’s a pleasure:

  • 例如:Mr. X, it has been a pleasure of ours to have you as our esteemed client.
  • 例如:Ms. X, it has been a distinct pleasure to have you on board.


2. Thank you:

  • 例如:I would like to thank you personally for your continued patronage(惠顧).
  • 例如:We would like to extend our sincerest thanks for your support.
  • 例如:Thank you once again for taking the time to review our email.

Main points(主要內容)無論是商業信件或是個人信件,均一定要明確地道出想表達的內容。因此,建議將主要內容放置在信件的第二段,跟客套話分開。主要內容要簡約,語氣亦要保持客氣。

3. The first thing I would like to bring to your attention is:

  • 例如:The first thing I would like to bring to your attention is the matter of our upcoming campaign. Here are the details…

4. As a warm reminder, please kindly note:

  • 例如:As a warm reminder, please ……

Call to action(信後的行動):無論你商用電郵的目的是sales/marketing或者告知,信件裏面亦應該明確地指示對方之後的course of action(行動方針)。如果電郵是關於sales/marketing的,你會否提供一個途徑,邀請他們訂閱你們的服務?如果這個電郵是關於某些邀請目的,那麼信件一定要寫明需要他們回覆。

在現今的電子社會文化,如果電郵裏面沒有清楚地說明信後的行動,一般來說,收信者都不會作出任何follow up(跟進)。以下有幾個客氣的例子。


5.We kindly request that you:

  • 例如:We kindly request that you would subscribe to our service. You may do so through clicking this link right here: www.example.com. Thank you for your attention.
  • 例如:As a kind request, please fill out the attached questionnaire and submit your response before April XX, 2020. Thank you。


6. We hope that you would consider:

  • 例如:We hope that you would consider contacting Mr./Ms. X to arrange a session soon at your convenience.
  • 例如:It is our hope that you would consider offering your support by subscribing to our service by signing up here: www.example.com.
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