


Chinese passenger who went off the rails after missing train detained for trying to stop it

South China Morning Post

發布於 2019年07月17日13:07 • Sue Ng sue.ng@scmp.com
  • Woman jumped over barriers at Guangzhou South station and wedged foot in the gap between train and platform before police dragged her away
  • Traveller was worried she would be late for the work the next morning after turning up too late to catch the last train to a city hundreds of kilometres away
The woman begged railway staff to let her board the train. Photo: Handout
The woman begged railway staff to let her board the train. Photo: Handout

A woman has been detained after trying to stop a high-speed train from leaving a station in southern China by sticking her foot in the gap between the train and the platform.

The woman, identified only by her surname Wong, arrived at Guangzhou South station at around 11.20pm on Sunday with her brother and a friend and were told they were too late to catch the last train to Changsha South, around 700km (435 miles) to the north.

Wong tried to convince railway workers to let them board the train because she was worried about being late for work the next day, Guangzhou Daily reported.

Footage from the station's surveillance cameras showed that after arguing with staff, the group jumped over the security barriers and ran up to the train.

Wong started banging on the windows, shouting "open the door", before sticking her foot in the gap between the train and the platform.

Railway staff and her companions tried to calm her down, but she refused to listen.

"Get up, the train is about to depart so we cannot open the door. The door won't open!" they told her. "You can still take the next train, get up first."

"No, I don't want the next train, you can do it," Wong said. "Please, I just want to get on this train."

The woman said she was worried about missing work the next day. Photo: Thepaper.cn
The woman said she was worried about missing work the next day. Photo: Thepaper.cn

After a few minutes police were called and dragged her away from the train.

She was given nine days' detention for disturbing order in a public place and impeding the normal flow of traffic, according to online news platform Guancha Syndicate. Her companions were given a disciplinary warning.

Although the train had only been delayed by seven minutes, some web users expressed anger at her behaviour.

"These kind of people should be blacklisted! What about the time of other passengers on the train?" one Weibo user said.

"Now she is late for nine days, she does not need to go to work any more," another wrote.

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