


Chinese lawmakers vote to adopt law on rural collective economic organizations, other bills


發布於 06月28日09:50 • Ji Xiaodong,Shen Anni,zhangyunlong(yidu),Yang Weihan,Luo Sha,Liu Shuo

BEIJING, June 28 (Xinhua) -- Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to adopt the law on rural collective economic organizations and other bills as the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, concluded its 10th session.

At the closing meeting, lawmakers voted to adopt the newly revised law on emergency response, a revised frontier health and quarantine law, a decision to amend the accounting law, and a decision on official appointment and removal.

Lei Haichao was appointed as director of the National Health Commission, replacing Ma Xiaowei, according to the decision.

President Xi Jinping signed presidential orders to promulgate the laws and the decisions.

Zhao Leji, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, presided over the closing meeting. ■

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