美國太空總署(NASA)為了慶祝地球觀測站(Earth Observatory)20 周年和世界地球日50 周年,早前舉辦了「最佳地球照片(Tournament Earth 2020)」比賽,讓網友投票選出最美麗的畫面。
撰文:AY | 資料來源:NASA、My Modern Met、NASA Earth Observatory
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Perk of applying to #BeAnAstronaut? One step closer to being on top of the world! 👩🏾🚀🌍👨🏻🚀 Part of the job for our @NASAAstronauts is a task called spacewalking. Spacewalking refers to any time an astronaut gets out of a vehicle while in space; it is performed for many reasons such as completing repairs outside the @ISS, conducting science experiments and testing new equipment. While a demanding task (astronauts can burn up to ~2500 calories!) it provides the ultimate backdrop for a cosmic selfie. ✨ Sound like something you’d be interested in? If so, you might want to APPLY to #BeAnAstronaut! The deadline is March 31. Visit the link in bio for images, info and the application! Image Credit: NASA #NASA #Artemis #Astronauts #Selfie #OnTopOfTheWorld #earth
A post shared by NASA (@nasa) on Mar 12, 2020 at 2:22pm PDT
美國太空總署( NASA )舉辦的「最佳地球照片(Tournament Earth 2020)」比賽,經過5輪投票,獲得超過56,000張選票,最終誕生了冠軍照片!而冠軍照片是抽象照片〈巴哈馬潮汐下海沙形成獨特的圖案〉(2001 年)奪得「最佳地球照片」榮譽。其實參賽相片涵蓋多張由太空拍攝的地球全景、地貌、自然現象,水準超高,一起欣賞NASA精選出32張照片。每張相都超高質素,令人讚嘆不已!
第一位:Ocean Sand, Bahamas
Ocean Sand, Bahamas(2001 年)奪得「最佳地球照片」榮譽。
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🥁🥁🥁 The people have spoken. After 56,000 votes and 5 rounds, Ocean Sand, Bahamas, has been crowned the winner of Tournament Earth. 🏆🌎 To mark the 21st anniversary of our @NASAEarth Observatory and the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we asked the public to choose our all-time best image. This false-color image taken by Landsat 7 satellite shows how the Bahamas are shaped by tides and ocean currents. there are so much more. Visit earthobservatory.nasa.gov for more gorgeous images of our spectacular planet. Image courtesy: Serge Andrefouet, University of South Florida. #Earth #bahamas #earthart #blue #green #nasa
A post shared by NASA (@nasa) on Apr 29, 2020 at 3:50pm PDT
NASA精選出32張照片,有興趣的讀者可到 NASA 地球觀測站