




更新於 2021年05月27日03:20 • 發布於 2021年05月27日11:13

不論新手還是老手都會在健身的路上遇上瓶頸,令自己的進度停滯不前。懂得發現自己走進誤區,以及曉得從錯誤的 健身習慣 中調整重回正軌實屬困難。今回台灣YouTuber Peeta葛格整合出5大 健身習慣 中容易犯的錯誤,教大家從中改正過來,而他自己亦是靠着校正這些事項把體脂降到4%,練出彭于晏、張家輝般的乾身線條,進步飛快!




健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training

1. 吃太少


健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training

2. 忽略神經連接和肌肉感受度


健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training

3. 日常活動度太低

人體的TDEE總代謝率包含「運動消耗」、「基礎代謝」、「產熱消耗」等元素, Peeta建議大家可以增加「運動消耗」中的NEAT(非運動消耗),就是增加有意識運動以外的運動量。例如除了在健身房運動外,亦可以在日常中多一下路,增加日常活動量。這樣不但可以增加代謝,而且更可以增加胰島素敏感度,令攝取的食物營養在身體內分配更好。

健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training

4. 專注度太低


健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training

5. 沒有適當的放鬆


健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training
健身習慣5個必改錯誤!頑固體脂迫降至4%成效加快 5 common misconceptions that will stop you from improving in weight training



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