海外知名《Fortnite》正妹實況主 Pokimane,在 Twitch 擁有超過 230 萬追蹤訂閱,向來作風直率敢言,加上高顏質與活潑的氣質深受觀眾粉絲喜愛。就在本週一開始,她突然以素顏向粉絲們坦承相見,意外地引起一波 KOL 社群話題。
不久前,Pokimane 在實況時以素顏現身,開頭便向粉絲們說明自己對化妝的感受,她認為女孩子不需要強迫自己化妝,雖然她也預料自己可能會受到網路騷擾與攻擊,但她依然樂見自己維持自然的面貌。
bruh pokimane dont look as bad as y'all made out tf pic.twitter.com/hBYpMGKDK8
— Tristan (@TristanGHill) 2018年10月23日
果不其然,隨著 Pokimane 素顏宣言,的確引來不少男性與青少年的網路抨擊,但幸運的是,Pokimane 並不孤單,因為有更多的粉絲選擇支持她,甚至還有其他女性實況主的聲援,例如 Omen 社群經理兼實況主 Sloane,她也表示沒人是完美無暇的,並公開自己的素顏照來支持 Pokimane。
no one wakes up flawless.
also, @pokimanelol and every other girl out there is not wearing make up to impress you.
shout outs to poki for showing off her beautiful bare face to the world. 💗 it’s inspiring! pic.twitter.com/G4ru7rKW7b— sloane 🔜 twitchcon (@skipperr) 2018年10月24日
就這樣,許多海外知名女實況主紛紛在自己的推特上公開素顏照,包含 Girlwithyellowspoon、Miisty、Tiger Lily 等人,皆用行動支持 Pokimane,即便她們沒什麼私交,也認為女性不應受社交眼光而喪失自主權而發聲。
This is gonna sound crazy but…did you KNOW that girls aren’t born with black lines on their eyes, their skin isn’t flawless, and get this, their hair isn’t perfect when they wake up either???? WOW THIS IS SUCH CRAZY NEW INFO FASCINATING DISCOVERY pic.twitter.com/tR5qRCQGEZ
— girlwithyellowspook🕸 🔜Twitchcon (@yellowspoongirl) 2018年10月23日
For @pokimanelol and every girl in the world: Rock the bare look, or a face full of makeup. Rock your hair all messy, or completely done up. You’re beautiful no matter what you decide to do.
If you judge someone for “too much makeup” or lack thereof, you can frick off dudes. pic.twitter.com/BVKXDO2Uon— 🎃 Miisty 🎃 (@Miistymiisty) 2018年10月23日
Y'all who are hating on @pokimanelol's face without makeup are just little boys hiding behind anime photos who have to put others down because you're insecure about yourselves. For a decade, I hated my bare face because of people like you. Grow up and treat ppl with more kindness pic.twitter.com/nqalXW7Zl1
— Tiger Lily 🔜 BlizzCon (@Tiger_LiIy) 2018年10月23日
不只有女性聲援,《英雄聯盟》分析師 Mark Zimmerman 也站出來聲援,認為那些被 Pokimane 素顏嚇到的人八成都沒交過女朋友。
People shocked about how @pokimanelol looks w/o makeup just outing that they probably haven't had a girlfriend.
Even worse outing that they've never had a female friend consider them close enough to hang out with no makeup on. Big yikes.— Mark Zimmerman (@TheeMarkZ) 2018年10月24日
不論 Pokimane 是有意無意也好,她的素顏宣言的確引發了社群漣漪效應,成功讓人們注意到化妝是否必要的議題。有鑑於如此多粉絲與實況主皆公開支持,她個人相當喜悅地再分享了自己三張素顏照,畢竟,自然就是美。
To conclude yesterday’s drama, here are some no make-up selfies but from regular/cute angles and with natural lighting 😌🌸
no one looks good 24/7, and a lot of different things can affect someone’s appearance! We’re all only human, so let’s be kind to one another ❤️ pic.twitter.com/uPhU0hHZbv— pokimane (@pokimanelol) 2018年10月24日
Pokimane:沒人每天 24 小時都是好看的,很多不一樣的事都會影響每個人的外在!我們都只是凡人,所以讓我們彼此和睦相處吧 ❤️