


雪到底能不能吃? 專家:數小時後的雪較乾淨

8杯水 Meditorial.co

更新於 2022年12月27日09:50 • 發布於 2022年12月27日09:49


雪在市區環境中 越耐越有毒

雖然雪的本質是水的結晶,沒有什麼雜質,但外國一項來自《環境科學:過程與影響》 (Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts) 的研究就指,雪會吸收車輛排出的汽車廢氣,令雪被污染。研究實驗將雪放在有汽車廢氣的環境中短短一小時,雪中的有害化學物質,包括苯、甲苯、乙苯和二甲苯的含量就急劇上升,其中的苯更會致癌。

專家: 想吃雪 就要先讓雪下一會兒

如果你真的很想嚐嚐雪的味道,來自加拿大的薩克其萬大學 (University of Saskatchewan) 水資源和氣候變化的研究員John Pomeroy建議,可以等降雪後數小時再吃雪。他解釋,將雪想像成一把刷子,剛落的雪會刷走空氣中的污染物,所以降雪的時間越長,空氣中的污染水平就越低,雪中的雜質也會越少。




Nazarenko, Y., Kurien, U., Nepotchatykh, O., Rangel-Alvarado, R. B., & Ariya, P. A. (2016). Role of snow and cold environment in the fate and effects of nanoparticles and select organic pollutants from gasoline engine exhaust. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 18(2), 190-199.

Queensland Government. (2012, May 30). BTEX chemicals. Queensland Government. https://environment.des.qld.gov.au/management/activities/non-mining/fraccing/btex-chemicals#:~:text=BTEX%20refers%20to%20the%20chemicals,from%20volcanoes%20and%20forest%20fires

Bramley, A. (2022, January 3). Is it safe to eat snow? Scientists say yes — with these caveats. NPR. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2016/01/23/463959512/so-you-want-to-eat-snow-is-it-safe-we-asked-scientists

Oblack,R. (2020, January 15). The Causes and Dangers of Yellow Snow. Thought Co. https://www.thoughtco.com/yellow-snow-dangers-3444589

Helmenstine, A,M. (2019, Novmenver 16). Is It Safe to Eat Snow?. Thought Co. https://www.thoughtco.com/is-it-safe-to-eat-snow-609430

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