


Student charged with attempted murder of four women in Hong Kong sent to psychiatric facility to determine whether he can stand trial

South China Morning Post

發布於 2019年10月15日16:10 • Jasmine Siu jasmine.siu@scmp.com
  • Police arrested Liu Yueteng at Shenzhen Bay Port two days after four women were hurt in a knife attack in Sham Shui Po
Four women were hurt during a knife attack at Garden Hill in Sham Shui Po. Photo: Wikipedia.
Four women were hurt during a knife attack at Garden Hill in Sham Shui Po. Photo: Wikipedia.

A mainland Chinese student charged with the attempted murder of four women in Hong Kong has been sent to a psychiatric facility to determine whether he is fit for plea and trial.

Liu Yueteng, 24, was taken to West Kowloon Court on Tuesday to face four counts of attempted murder over a knife attack at Garden Hill in Sham Shui Po on October 11.

Police arrested the man at Shenzhen Bay Port on October 13.

Court documents revealed Liu had entered Hong Kong via a two-way permit and identified his four alleged victims as Lam King-king, Wu Bodi, Liu Wenlian and Zhang Xuadi.

All four women went to hospital for treatment and only one of them was discharged, according to prosecutors.

The defendant was not required to enter a plea as prosecutors demanded that he be sent to Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre to assess whether he is fit to indicate his plea and, if necessary, stand trial.

That application was granted by Principal Magistrate Peter Law Tak-chuen, who then adjourned the case for two weeks, pending the assessment and expert recommendations.

The young man appeared calm during his first court appearance in a pale blue T-shirt and a head of spiky, neon-green hair.

His defence lawyer did not apply for bail.

The case will return to the same court on October 29.

Attempted murder carries the same maximum penalty as that of murder, which is life imprisonment in Hong Kong.

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