


跳迷你彈床燒脂 練出結實蜜桃臀


發布於 2019年07月23日07:26 • 邱家雪

世上沒有醜女人,只有懶女人。如果想擁有苗條身形,就一定要先付出汗水,不過作為忙碌的職業女性,實在沒時間每日都跑步又做gym。如果想消脂同時增肌,又想省時間,不妨轉玩彈床運動(Rebounding),有外國研究指在彈床上跳動10分鐘相等於跑步機上跑30分鐘,keep fit效果非常顯著。


愈彈愈瘦 收緊全身線條


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So now that I have my new job getting to the gym for my usual Les Mills courses at Brooks @firstcoastymca has been hard. So my Hubble told me about #rebounding with a trampoline. Omg!! It’s been awesome. It helps your lymphatic system shed toxins, and you can do a shorter workout and reap the benefits of cardio, fat burning and it’s less stress on your joints. I’ve been going on you tube and finding workouts .. there are all fitness levels. If you decide to get a trampoline make sure it’s for your weight, so you don’t hurt your muscles with an inadequate trampoline. Who’s tried rebounding? Do you like it? I’d love to hear! #reboundingfitness #trampoline #workout #gymmotivation #wellness #Repost @freehousefitness ・・・ Rebounding. The cure for a long day, a bad mood, a problem at work, a no-energy-funk or anything else that troubles you. Just jump it out. ❤️ @sylviawitek @amandahopehill @ericayazoole #rebounding #bellicon #fitness #bestcardio #philly

Ronique Gibson(@roniquegibson)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 7月 月 17 日 5:59 上午 發佈



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MONDAY MOOD! 💪 Were ready to tackle the hardest day of the week… 7:10am TRXBounce, 8:10am BouncePilates, 11:10am BouncePilates, 1:10pm BeginnerBounce, 6:10pm TabataBounce, 7:10pm AirBounce & 8:10pm TRXBounce! Phew! We have a lot in store for you to kick start your week… 🤸‍♀️ #repost from @serene_lsy . . . . . . . #strongnotskinny #personaltraining #smile #igworkout #inspo #repost #motivation #fithk #hkmagazine #hongkong #workout #excercise #fitness #inspireothers #sheungwan #happy #sweatgang #inspire #trampoline #cardioworkout #igfitness #igyoga #instagood #lowimpact #workhard #fitfam #endorphins #rebounding #strength

BounceLimit(@bouncelimithk)分享的帖子 於 PST 2019 年 3月 月 3 日 3:12 下午 發佈

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If you think 20 seconds goes by fast… you’ve never done Tabata! 😅 Join us for Tabata: 20 seconds high-intensity exercise, 10 seconds of rest, repeat 8 times. Easy! See our schedule on our website (🔗 in bio) for our updated timetable. . . . . . . . #inspire #mondaymotivation #classpasshk #motivation #strongwomen #workout #sweat #fithk #cardioworkout #pilates #strongnotskinny #strength #fitfam #repost #inspireothers #excercise #hongkong #igfitness #hongkonggirl #workhard #hkmagazine #endorphins #womaninspo #igworkout #happy #sheungwan #rebounding #trampoline #fitspo #sweatgang

BounceLimit(@bouncelimithk)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 3月 月 27 日 7:33 下午 發佈



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Psst… did you know… Rebounding creates hormonal balance! It detoxifies excess hormones which promotes a healthy endocrine system. When your hormones are balanced, you feel energized, stable and strong! 💪 . . . . . . . #motivation #hkmagazine #classpasshk #inspire #endorphins #workhard #happy #sweat #sweatgang #cardioworkout #rebounding #strongnotskinny #igfitness #trampoline #strongwomen #fitfam #inspireothers #hongkong #hongkonggirl #igworkout #workout #excercise #fitspo #womaninspo #repost #pilates #mondaymotivation #fithk #strength #sheungwan

BounceLimit(@bouncelimithk)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 3月 月 31 日 7:38 下午 發佈

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How high can you go? 🤸⁣ ⁣ Not only is 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐀𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐄 low impact and high intensity, but the class will also give you a rare chance to bounce around and feel FREE! The trampoline creates a dynamic surface for your favourite barre routines, turning the workout into a cardio and balance challenge.⁣ ⁣ Join us at the trampolines for some unadulterated fun - book your class on the Barre 2 Barre app or find us on @classpasshk today. 📱

Barre 2 Barre Hong Kong(@barre2barrehk)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 6月 月 20 日 6:00 下午 發佈

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How you feel after finishing a killer top guns class with a badass crew around you 💪🏼 #freehousefit

Freehouse Fitness Studio(@freehousefitness)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2017 年 6月 月 22 日 3:40 下午 發佈


雖然彈床消脂效果顯著,不過初學者記得量力而為,記得要做足熱身,務求要令全身上下,尤其是腳掌的肌肉也有適度的warm up,以防抽筋。再穿上防跣腳趾襪,令腳掌更容易抓住彈床,注意彈跳時腳指向前,保持重心置中,以免跳出彈床外。最重要當然是不要輕視每個動作,玩彈床講求對肌肉的控制力,如果感到肌肉疲勞,很容易因失平衡而受傷,記得要適時休息,回復體力。

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stay safe, dry & together Hong Kong! 💪 . . . . . . . . #hkmagazine #excercise #lowimpact #womaninspo #sweatgang #igworkout #getmoving #hkfitness #strong #funworkout #rebounding #inspire #fitness #motivation #igfitness #cardioworkout #strongwomen #trampoline #energized #exercise #hongkong #workhard #fithk #fitfam #workout #inspireothers #fitspo #happy #sheungwan #classpasshk

BounceLimit(@bouncelimithk)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 6月 月 13 日 12:55 上午 發佈


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