


跟MIRROR暢遊塔斯曼尼亞海陸空 - 登威靈頓山、乘Par Avion看天際、塔島遊船賞生態


更新於 2023年12月21日09:13 • 發布於 2023年12月21日08:51 • dittou

塔斯曼尼亞旅遊局(香港地區)今天很高興向大家宣佈,香港男子天團組合MIRROR的成軍五周年限定節目《MIRROR TIME》,其中一站選擇了彷彿是世外桃源代名詞的塔斯曼尼亞。大家想跟隨萬千寵愛的MIRROR成員自駕暢遊深入山林上高山、飛坐型飛機往天際,再乘風破浪看生態,看盡塔斯曼尼亞之美,就要記得準時收看將於12月25日晚上10時30分播放的《MIRROR TIME》啦!


The Port Arthur Historic Site is one of Australia’s most important heritage sites and tourist destinations. Located on the scenic Turrakana / Tasman Peninsula in the south east of Tasmania, it offers a unique and essential experience for all visitors to the area.(Credit: Tourism Tasmania)
The Port Arthur Historic Site is one of Australia’s most important heritage sites and tourist destinations. Located on the scenic Turrakana / Tasman Peninsula in the south east of Tasmania, it offers a unique and essential experience for all visitors to the area.(Credit: Tourism Tasmania)
The Port Arthur Historic Site is one of Australia’s most important heritage sites and tourist destinations. Located on the scenic Turrakana / Tasman Peninsula in the south east of Tasmania, it offers a unique and essential experience for all visitors to the area. (Credit: Tourism Tasmania)
The Port Arthur Historic Site is one of Australia’s most important heritage sites and tourist destinations. Located on the scenic Turrakana / Tasman Peninsula in the south east of Tasmania, it offers a unique and essential experience for all visitors to the area. (Credit: Tourism Tasmania)
Nestled within seven hectares (18 acres) of lavender, rainforest and lakes and overlooking the ocean at Long Bay, Port Arthur Lavender��s visitor centre and caf�� showcase millennia-old uses of this fragrant flower alongside modern cuisine and a fully functioning essential oil distillery. (Credit: Tourism Tasmania)
Nestled within seven hectares (18 acres) of lavender, rainforest and lakes and overlooking the ocean at Long Bay, Port Arthur Lavender��s visitor centre and caf�� showcase millennia-old uses of this fragrant flower alongside modern cuisine and a fully functioning essential oil distillery. (Credit: Tourism Tasmania)
Beaker Street Festival is a celebration of science held annually in August. (Credit: credit Rosie Hastie and Beaker Street)
Beaker Street Festival is a celebration of science held annually in August. (Credit: credit Rosie Hastie and Beaker Street)
Beaker Street Festival is a celebration of science held annually in August. (Credit: credit Rosie Hastie and Beaker Street)
Beaker Street Festival is a celebration of science held annually in August. (Credit: credit Rosie Hastie and Beaker Street)
Beaker Street Festival is a celebration of science held annually in August. (Credit: credit Rosie Hastie and Beaker Street)
Beaker Street Festival is a celebration of science held annually in August. (Credit: credit Rosie Hastie and Beaker Street)
荷伯特 Hobart

塔斯曼尼亞首府荷伯特(Hobart)是澳洲第二古老城市,集歷史、藝術和飲食文化於一身。每逢周六於荷伯特海濱的Salamanca Place會設有市集。市內的Museum of Old and New Art(簡稱Mona)博物館搜集的藝術藏品,令不少旅客慕名而來,加上怡人的海濱小徑、古典咖啡店,是繁忙的城市人放慢腳步的好地方。

Hobart, Tasmania’s capital city, offers a blend of heritage and lifestyle with world class activities and attractions nearby. (Credit: StuGibson)
Hobart, Tasmania’s capital city, offers a blend of heritage and lifestyle with world class activities and attractions nearby. (Credit: StuGibson)
Museum of Old and New Art (Credit: Jesse Hunniford)
Museum of Old and New Art (Credit: Jesse Hunniford)
The lowest level of the Museum of Old and New Art. Includes a 240-million-year-old, 12 metre high, sandstone wall. (Credit: Mona and Remi Chauvin)
The lowest level of the Museum of Old and New Art. Includes a 240-million-year-old, 12 metre high, sandstone wall. (Credit: Mona and Remi Chauvin)
列治文 Richmond

與首府荷伯特(Hobart)只有30分鐘之遙的列治文(Richmond)昔日是殖民初期亞瑟港(Port Arthur)和荷伯特(Hobart)之間的重要警區,獲列入澳洲國家文化遺產的Richmond Bridge和澳洲最古老兼保存最完好的殖民地監獄Richard Gaol是必到打卡景點。遊逛市內則有間約40年歷史的糖果店Sweets & Treats,手功製作的舊式棒棒糖和獨有的Esmeraldas椰子太妃糖均是人氣產品,兼且口感豐富,正好讓愛好者大飽口福。

Richmond is a picture-perfect town in the heart of the Coal River Valley wine region that tells the story of an early Australian colonial village (Credit: Tourism Tasmania – Brian Dullaghan)
Richmond is a picture-perfect town in the heart of the Coal River Valley wine region that tells the story of an early Australian colonial village (Credit: Tourism Tasmania – Brian Dullaghan)
Richmond Gaol

地址:37 Bathurst St, Richmond TAS

The Richmond Gaol is a convict era building and tourist attraction in Richmond, Tasmania, and is the oldest intact gaol in Australia. Building of the gaol commenced in 1825. (Credit: Alastair Bett)
The Richmond Gaol is a convict era building and tourist attraction in Richmond, Tasmania, and is the oldest intact gaol in Australia. Building of the gaol commenced in 1825. (Credit: Alastair Bett)
Sweets & Treats

地址: 50 Bridge St, Richmond TAS

Sweets and Treats has been the most delicious destination in the historic village of Richmond since opening in 1985. (Credit: Alastair Bett)
Sweets and Treats has been the most delicious destination in the historic village of Richmond since opening in 1985. (Credit: Alastair Bett)
Sweets and Treats has been the most delicious destination in the historic village of Richmond since opening in 1985. (Credit: Alastair Bett)
Sweets and Treats has been the most delicious destination in the historic village of Richmond since opening in 1985. (Credit: Alastair Bett)
威靈頓山 Mount Wellington

位於首府荷伯特(Hobart)後方,海拔高達1,271米的高山名為Mount Wellington,而kunanyi則是原住民給予它的名字。受到一眾健行登山人士愛戴,遊走山林小徑感受大自然和塔州獨有野生生態之美,時間匆忙的亦可直接驅車至觀景台,走往頂端既有室內也有戶外的觀景台,一睹首府荷伯特(Hobart)全市之美。

No matter where you are in Hobart you are never far away from the City’s beloved mountain, kunanyi / Mt Wellington (Credit: Dearna Bond)
No matter where you are in Hobart you are never far away from the City’s beloved mountain, kunanyi / Mt Wellington (Credit: Dearna Bond)
No matter where you are in Hobart you are never far away from the City’s beloved mountain, kunanyi / Mt Wellington (Credit: Dearna Bond)
No matter where you are in Hobart you are never far away from the City’s beloved mountain, kunanyi / Mt Wellington (Credit: Dearna Bond)

Spring Bay Mill
若往東海岸走,1.5小時便會到達Spring Bay Mill。這裡曾是全世界上最大,達43公頃的鋸木廠。隨著可持續發展意識抬頭,設立充滿自然氣息的木建築住宿和Glamping營幕外,土地還已重現澳洲原住民氣息,不時會有原住民長老主持Welcome to Country及 Smoking Ceremony等歌曲、舞蹈、淨化和煙燻儀式,讓多元文化散布,人與人之間更了解共融。
地址:555 Freestone Point Road, Triabunna TAS

Mures Upper Deck
地址:Victoria Dock, Hobart TAS

Par Avion

走過了陸路的,不如也來一次飛翔吧!提供直升機和小型飛機服務的Par Avion,可給你一次專業飛行之旅,它乘載大家以空中俯瞰角度欣賞塔斯曼尼亞西南部國家公園,讓高山峻嶺、平靜湖泊等自然景色一一盡收眼底。
地址:115 Kennedy Drive, Cambridge TAS

Credit: Tourism Australia
Credit: Tourism Australia
Credit: Tourism Australia
Credit: Tourism Australia
Credit: Tourism Australia
Credit: Tourism Australia
Credit: Tourism Australia
Credit: Tourism Australia
Bangor Vineyard Shed

每處土地都有它的風土氣候味道,來到塔斯曼尼亞又怎可以錯過當地的葡萄酒呢!位於達納利(Dunalley)的Bangor Vineyard Shed是當地其中一個屢獲殊榮的家族葡萄酒莊,清涼乾爽的氣候孕育出優質的Pinot Noir、Chardonnay、Pinot Gris和Riesling葡萄。大家可以安坐其小丘上的酒莊餐廳,一邊用餐,一邊歡看遼闊的葡萄田和Boomer Bay海岸,令人倍感身心舒暢。
營業時間:11am-5pm(聖誕節及Good Friday休息)
地址:20 Blackman Bay Rd, Dunalley TAS

Bangor is an historic farming property, located at Dunalley in the cool, south-east corner of Tasmania.(Credit: Tourism Tasmania)
Bangor is an historic farming property, located at Dunalley in the cool, south-east corner of Tasmania.(Credit: Tourism Tasmania)
Bangor is an historic farming property, located at Dunalley in the cool, south-east corner of Tasmania.(Credit: Tourism Tasmania)
Bangor is an historic farming property, located at Dunalley in the cool, south-east corner of Tasmania.(Credit: Tourism Tasmania)
Bangor is an historic farming property, located at Dunalley in the cool, south-east corner of Tasmania.(Credit: Tourism Tasmania)
Bangor is an historic farming property, located at Dunalley in the cool, south-east corner of Tasmania.(Credit: Tourism Tasmania)
塔斯曼島遊船 Tasmania Island Cruise

保育生態愈來愈受關注,四面環海的塔斯曼尼亞絕對是觀賞海洋生態的最佳地方。參加塔斯曼島遊船Tasmania Island Cruise 3小時的海上之旅,沿塔斯曼國家公園的Eaglehawk Neck及Cape Hauy航行,探索多個鬼斧神工的海蝕洞和澳洲海豹,同時可能會遇上貪玩活潑的海豚和展翅達兩米的信天翁,每年6月至12月,更會遇到座頭鯨和南露脊鯨遷徙,感受被大自然環抱的美好回憶。
地址:6961 Arthur Highway, Port Arthur TAS 7182

Tasman Island Cruises provides unforgettable three hour wilderness cruises along the spectacular coastline between Port Arthur and Teralina / Eaglehawk Neck in southern Tasmania. (Credit: Poon Wai Nang)
Tasman Island Cruises provides unforgettable three hour wilderness cruises along the spectacular coastline between Port Arthur and Teralina / Eaglehawk Neck in southern Tasmania. (Credit: Poon Wai Nang)
(Credit: Tourism Tasmania – Kathryn Leahy)
(Credit: Tourism Tasmania – Kathryn Leahy)
(Credit: Tourism Tasmania – Joe Shemesh)
(Credit: Tourism Tasmania – Joe Shemesh)
(Credit: Tourism Tasmania – Kathryn Leahy)
(Credit: Tourism Tasmania – Kathryn Leahy)
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