




更新於 2021年05月11日21:13 • 發布於 2021年05月12日04:55

在近來運動風氣盛行,不時都會聽到「增肌減脂」等詞彙,但是礙於各種原因,常人實行起來的轉變都很有限。可是,這並不能完全套用至 NBA球星 身上,因為他們先天的基因、天賦不但已比許多人優勝,而且後天的努力更是瘋狂,才令他們的身形有爆炸性的蛻變。SSwagger今回將精選5位將身體練到極致的NBA球員,你有見證過他們的轉變嗎?

撰文:Alphonse|圖片來源:Sole Collector、@kingjames、@giannis_an34、@antdavis23、@gordonhayward、@mike_bibby_10


NBA賽場中,良好的身體質素對球員來說至關重要,不但要面對數之不盡的碰撞,更是可以預防、減少受傷的機會。倘若沒有強健的體魄,多好的球技亦沒法施展出來。能夠進入NBA的球員大多數都是具備一定的天份,但分高下的位置便是後天的努力,已故球星Kobe Bryant的「666訓練」更是當中的佼佼者。今回統集的5位NBA球星在甫進聯盟之際皆是瘦弱的小子,透過飲食、訓練將自己的身形鍛練得十分健碩,同時保持了極高的機動性,將自己硬生生地變成生化人,在球場上發光發熱。當中,更是有1位42歲退役球員名副其實「返老還童」,退役後身體竟比球員時代更強壯,你又知道他是誰嗎?

LeBron James – 進化前

NBA球星 5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years
NBA球星 5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years

LeBron James – 進化後

5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years
5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years
5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years
5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years
5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years

Giannis Antetokounmpo字母哥 – 進化前

5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years
5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years

Giannis Antetokounmpo字母哥 – 進化後

5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years

Anthony Davis – 進化前

5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years
5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years

Anthony Davis – 進化後

5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years
Anthony Davis在近年一改初期瘦弱的形象,整個人健碩、厚很多。

Gordon Haywood – 進化前

5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years
5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years

Gordon Haywood – 進化後

5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years
Gordan Haywood手臂的肉量同樣上升很多。

Mike Bibby – 進化前

5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years
5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years

Mike Bibby – 進化後

5 NBA players with significant body transformation over the years
42歲退役球員Mike Bibby竟然練出一副比球員時期更好的身材。


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