02:44 富康花園內的被捕人士中包括西貢彩建區陳緯烈區議員,他在被截查期間一度向現場記者展示其議員證件,暫時未知被捕原因。
【區議員被警員非禮 向警投訴無門】
00:08 西貢區區議員王卓雅稱警方推進防線時被防暴警員非禮,王區議員指有警員於尚德十字路口推進時蓄意用手抓其胸部,議員其後曾多次表明自己身份並要求警方提供其小隊編號以作投訴和跟進,然而無人回答王議員的要求。王區議員指這就是一直以來無法辨識警員身份以作投訴的原因。期間,本報記者拍攝時亦被警員不斷用警棍推撞,試圖阻擋記者拍攝。
註:00:38 字幕中「新任區議員」應為「西貢區議員」
#將軍澳【區議員被警員非禮 向警投訴無門】 00:08…
【學生記者被捕 警指其偷竊】
[3 month Memorial Day of the death of Chow Tsz Lok]
Today is the three-month memorial day of the death of Chow Tsz Lok. In order to grieve Chow Tsz Lok who fell down and died despite having received medical help, some citizens arrived the Pui Shing Garden in Tseung Kwan O at around 20:00. They started a march to Chow’s altar in Sheung Tak crossroads, and laid flowers and words as sacrifice at the second floor of the Sheung Tak Parking Garage.
At around 22:00, some riot police broke into the estate and subdued one person suddenly, after citizens had set roadblock on the crossroads. Many journalists was jostled by the police, few of them were even spurted by pepper spray. During the accident, one of our press was sent to the hospital by ambulance, as his mouth was injured by pepper spray.
The riot police shot numerous tear gases when they were retreating, the abdomen of a district councillor assistant and the arm of a journalist were hit by the warheads of the tear gases. One of the bus parking at the bus stop was also hit by a warhead of tear gas, the bottom part of the bus was seeping smoke. During the conflict, district councillor Valarie Wong Cheuk Nga accused there was an indecent assault committed by a police that he grabbed her breasts. However, when Wong asked for the number of the police to file a complaint, she was ignored.
Police rushed into Sheung Tak Estate and Beverly Garden to arrest a lot of people including student journalists from City Broadcast Channel (CBC), he was accused by a crime of burglary. They are all taken into the bus.
攝:klay Anthony 卡比獸