




更新於 2021年05月14日03:07 • 發布於 2021年05月14日09:31

NBA作為全世界籃球運動的最高殿堂,能夠打進入聯盟被球隊簽下的人都身心不凡,技術和體格同樣了得。但是,運動員的生涯很短暫,不少球員因為運動生涯太刻苦,在退役後便直接放棄不再保持體態,身形大走樣。另一邊廂,卻有一群與運動員時期的生活模式融為一體的 退役NBA球星,依然保持良好體態,誓不向歲月低頭,誰屬於前者?誰會是後者?



NBA賽場中,良好的身體質素對球員來說至關重要,不但要面對數之不盡的碰撞,更是可以預防、減少受傷的機會。透過科學化的訓練模式,進行增肌減脂、強化機能的作用,過程中需要付出很多努力和時間。但是,過於辛勞的日常會導致球員在退役後有報復性惰性,完全荒廢自己的體態。與此同時,也有一群愛上自律生活模式的球員,在退役後依然保持自主訓練,維持良好的狀態。不同選擇可以達到截然不同的結果,而且現今的科學化運動飲食訓練模式的影響愈來愈大,年齡亦變成可跨越的限制。今回SSwagger將精選6位已 退役NBA球球星 的身形較對圖,比較一下自律和放任的生活模式分別有多大。


Mike Bibby – 退役前

退役NBA球星 Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off
退役NBA球星 Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off

Mike Bibby – 退役後

Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off
Mike Bibby在退役後反而練出一副比球員時期更好的身材。

Ray Allen – 退役前

Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off
Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off

Ray Allen – 退役後

Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off
Ray Allen退役數年依然保持着超fit身形,腹肌依然十分明顯。現役球員也未必有這種身形。

Steve Nash – 退役前

Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off
圖中13號為Steve Nash。

Steve Nash – 退役後

Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off
Steve Nash在退役後依舊有自主訓練,身形毫無走樣。
Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off
從Steve Nash的Instagram可見,他一直保持運動的集慣。


Shaquille O’Neal – 退役前

Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off
圖中左邊為甫進NBA聯盟的Shaquille O’Neal,身形十分健碩。

Shaquille O’Neal – 退役後

Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off
隨着在聯盟的時間越來越久,Shaquille O’Neal的身形不斷偏向肥壯的方向發展。在退役後,身形發福更是一發不可收拾。

Magic Johnson – 退役前

Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off
Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off

Magic Johnson – 退役後

Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off
Magic Johnson退役後,「啤酒肚」的情況十分突出,基本上沒有衣服可以把它藏起來。

姚明 – 退役前

Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape / go off
Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape / go off

姚明 – 退役後

Retired NBA players who maintain their body shape and go off


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