一輛特斯拉(Tesla) Cybertruck 在美國候任總統特朗普(Donald Trump)旗下位於拉斯維加斯(Las Vagas)的酒店外爆炸起火,造成至少1人死亡7人受傷。美國傳媒引述調查人員報道,聯邦調查局正循恐怖主義行為方向調查事件。
事發在當地元旦日上午8點40分左右,以特朗普名字命名的64層高酒店特朗普大廈(Trump Tower)正門外代客泊車區,一輛特斯拉Cybertruck 突然爆炸起火。
Tesla Cybertruck vehicle explosion outside Trump Hotel in Las Vegas under investigation as possible terror attack
Trump and Elon #Terroristattack pic.twitter.com/QfO2oXUeM2— Volkan Albistan (@valbistan) January 1, 2025
A Tesla Cybertruck is on fire and exploding outside of a Trump Hotel in Las Vegas. If you’re looking for a more perfect metaphor for the state of America right now you won’t find it. pic.twitter.com/PBrBHJb5Dm
— Jack Cocchiarella (@JDCocchiarella) January 1, 2025
由於涉事Cybertruck在爆炸後自動鎖上,警方感謝Tesla行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Musk)協助派人幫忙解鎖,並向調查人員提供了疑犯在從科羅拉多州租車後駛往拉斯維加斯沿途充電站的影片。.
The evil knuckleheads picked the wrong vehicle for a terrorist attack. Cybertruck actually contained the explosion and directed the blast upwards.
Not even the glass doors of the lobby were broken. https://t.co/9vj1JdcRZV— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 2, 2025