


Met Gala 2023| 流行天后Rihanna與A$AP Rocky壓軸亮相紅地毯 Valentino白色山茶花披風帶來驚艷變裝

Vogue Hong Kong

更新於 2023年05月02日07:11 • 發布於 2023年05月02日03:26 • Vogue Hong Kong

時尚盛會怎能少了Rihanna的身影!雖然遲遲才登場,她與A$AP Rocky滿是巧思的造型依舊是今晚最佳之一!

今年Met Gala紅地毯行到尾聲,終於迎來流行天后Rihanna與伴侶A$AP Rocky亮相——大約美國時間晚上十點,Rihanna與A$AP Rocky才走出酒店大門,並將當晚致敬Karl Lagerfeld的主題穿出自己的特色。Rihanna身穿由Karl Lagerfeld親手為Fendi 1997秋季系列設計的皮草大衣(Naomi Campbell當初也曾穿這款設計行騷),疊戴的鑽石項鍊在頸間閃耀。耳飾則特別選擇山茶花造型,而這正是當年Coco Chanel女士的最愛,隨後也成為Karl Lagerfeld打造法式時尚帝國的重要標誌。

與此同時,A$AP Rocky的造型則是受老佛爺本人風格影響,以最經典的黑色筆挺西裝搭配白襯衫、黑領帶亮相,包括腰間的紅色格紋短裙在內,全身造型皆出自Gucci。

眾所周知Karl Lagerfeld生前對蘇格蘭文化的鍾情,在Chanel於東京舉辦2004年時裝展時,他也曾穿上類似A$AP Rocky今次的造型。在此基礎上,A$AP Rocky又搭配以Gucci腰帶和鑲鑽牛仔褲,為造型增添當代感。

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 01: Rihanna and A$AP Rocky attend The 2023 Met Gala Celebrating 'Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty' at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 01, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by John Shearer/WireImage)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 01: Rihanna and A$AP Rocky attend The 2023 Met Gala Celebrating 'Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty' at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 01, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by John Shearer/WireImage)
Karl Lagerfeld walks the Chanel runway in December 2004 in Tokyo. Photo: Getty Images
Karl Lagerfeld walks the Chanel runway in December 2004 in Tokyo. Photo: Getty Images

從酒店出門後,兩人短暫修整便亮相Met Gala紅地毯。換裝後的Rihanna戴着一副帶有假睫毛的俏皮白框太陽眼鏡很是吸睛。她的純白色絲綢長袍由Valentino特別訂製,外衣由500片花瓣組成的30朵巨型盛放的白色山茶花組成。隨着她緩緩走上台階、解開外衣,純白吊帶長裙中間點綴一枚白色山茶花,襯托其隆起的小腹——即將迎來第二個孩子的Rihanna,依舊在今晚壓軸展現出屬於她的非凡魅力!

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 01: (L-R) A$AP Rocky and Rihanna attend The 2023 Met Gala Celebrating 'Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty' at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 01, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images for Karl Lagerfeld)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 01: (L-R) A$AP Rocky and Rihanna attend The 2023 Met Gala Celebrating 'Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty' at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 01, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by Theo Wargo/Getty Images for Karl Lagerfeld)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 01: A$AP Rocky and Rihanna attend The 2023 Met Gala Celebrating 'Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty' at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 01, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by John Shearer/WireImage)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 01: A$AP Rocky and Rihanna attend The 2023 Met Gala Celebrating 'Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty' at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 01, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by John Shearer/WireImage)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 01: Rihanna attends The 2023 Met Gala Celebrating 'Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty' at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 01, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for The Met Museum/Vogue)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 01: Rihanna attends The 2023 Met Gala Celebrating 'Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty' at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 01, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for The Met Museum/Vogue)


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