


康城影展 2023|「繼續講述你們的故事,你們的聲音很重要」楊紫瓊獲「躍動她影」獎,以具啟發性的發言鼓勵一眾女性創作者

Vogue Hong Kong

更新於 2023年05月24日10:54 • 發布於 2023年05月24日09:32 • Vogue Hong Kong


康城影展期間,Kering 集團和康城電影節聯合舉辦了2023年度「躍動她影」(Women in Motion)官方晚宴,Kering 集團董事會主席兼首席執行官 François-Henri Pinault、康城電影節主席 Iris Knobloch 和康城電影節總監 Thierry Frémaux 向演員兼製片人楊紫瓊頒發了2023年度「躍動她影」獎。

楊紫瓊 Michelle Yeoh 在台上發表了鼓舞人心的感言:「繼續努力,繼續奮進,繼續講述你們的故事。你們的聲音很重要,你們的願景很關鍵。因為我並非獨自站立在這個舞台上。」以此鼓勵一眾創作者,無論是電影還是其他領域的女性,都能因此受到啟發。「長久以來,在重要場合及對話中,我們女性一直被排除在外,我們被告知這扇門對我們是關閉的······但我們的想法是無盡的,我們的激情是無限的,我們是來推倒這扇門的。」她表示。

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: Francois-Henri Pinault, Carmen Jacquier, Michelle Yeoh, Iris Knobloch and Thierry Fremaux pose with the Women in Motion Award during Kering And Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: Francois-Henri Pinault, Carmen Jacquier, Michelle Yeoh, Iris Knobloch and Thierry Fremaux pose with the Women in Motion Award during Kering And Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Kering)

晚宴上,和Michelle一同接受獎項的還有獲得「躍動她影」新秀獎的瑞士導演 Carmen Jaquier,她的代表作包括《Thunder》 (2022)、《Wonderland》 (2015)、《The Girls’ Grave》 (2011) 等。至於嘉賓席上,參與並見證這項盛典的一眾電影業界名人,包括知名演員 Isabelle Huppert、Leonardo Di Caprio、Salma Hayek Pinault、Zar Amir Ebrahimi、導演 Jeanne Herry、Alfonso Cuaron、Kaouther Ben Hania 及是枝裕和等。這一晚,凝聚了來自世界各地的電影文化界Icon和傳奇人物,共同慶賀這個隆重且極具影響力的至高榮譽。

Salma Hayek Pinault, Michelle Yeoh, Isabelle Huppert, François Henri Pinault, Jean Todt - Crédit Getty Images
Salma Hayek Pinault, Michelle Yeoh, Isabelle Huppert, François Henri Pinault, Jean Todt - Crédit Getty Images
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: (L-R) Anja Rubik, Eva Herzigová and Carla Bruni attend the Kering Women In Motion Awards during the Kering and Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Anthony Ghnassia/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: (L-R) Anja Rubik, Eva Herzigová and Carla Bruni attend the Kering Women In Motion Awards during the Kering and Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Anthony Ghnassia/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: Brie Larson attend the Kering Women In Motion Awards during the Kering and Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France.. (Photo by Anthony Ghnassia/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: Brie Larson attend the Kering Women In Motion Awards during the Kering and Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France.. (Photo by Anthony Ghnassia/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: President of the Jury Ruben Östlund attends the Kering Women In Motion Awards during the Kering and Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France.. (Photo by Anthony Ghnassia/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: President of the Jury Ruben Östlund attends the Kering Women In Motion Awards during the Kering and Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France.. (Photo by Anthony Ghnassia/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: Alfonso Cuaron attends Kering And Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner Photocall on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: Alfonso Cuaron attends Kering And Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner Photocall on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: Jean-François Palus attends Kering And Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner Photocall on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: Jean-François Palus attends Kering And Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner Photocall on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: (L-R) Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Jason Statham attend the Kering Women In Motion Awards during the Kering and Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: (L-R) Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Jason Statham attend the Kering Women In Motion Awards during the Kering and Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: Mila Al Zahrani, Helene Poulit-Duquesne, Anja Rubik, Zhou Dhong Yu attend Kering And Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner Photocallon May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Kering)
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 21: Mila Al Zahrani, Helene Poulit-Duquesne, Anja Rubik, Zhou Dhong Yu attend Kering And Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner Photocallon May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Kering)


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