


MTV VMAs 2023紅毯造型 | Selena Gomez與Taylor Swift驚艷登場!

Vogue Hong Kong

更新於 2023年09月13日10:19 • 發布於 2023年09月13日09:21 • Vogue Hong Kong

MTV VMAs 2023如約而至,重磅級歌手藝人悉數出場,趕緊來看今年紅毯造型有什麼亮點吧!

NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Taylor Swift during the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Udo Salters/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Taylor Swift during the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Udo Salters/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)

2023年MTV音樂錄影帶大獎(MTV Video Music Award)於美國當地時間9月12日揭開序幕,繼續在新澤西州紐瓦克市保誠中心舉辦。

每年頒獎典禮除了揭曉獎項得主和精彩演出之外,最有看頭的莫過於明星藝人在紅毯上的爭奇鬥豔。Taylor Swift,Selena Gomez,Doja Cat,Cardi B,Miley Cyrus等巨星在此匯聚一堂,與頂級造型師攜手打造驚艷造型。

事不宜遲,讓我們趕緊來欣賞MTV VMAs 2023的紅毯美圖吧!

Saweetie in Area Couture

Saweetie以一席Area FW23 Couture的垂墜亮片禮服裙亮相,頸部和腰間搭載猛瑪象骨頭,這套禮服的設計靈感來源於時尚誕生之初,因為在史前,最早的首飾之一就是用骨頭製成的,設計師將古老工藝與現代首飾製作工藝相結合,採用樹脂琺瑯上漆等技術,打造抽象的骨骼形狀。Saweetie還精心搭配銀粉色美甲與妝容,整體造型和諧統一。

Saweetie attending the MTV Video Music Awards 2023 held at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. Picture date: Tuesday September 12, 2023. (Photo by Doug Peters/PA Images via Getty Images)
Saweetie attending the MTV Video Music Awards 2023 held at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. Picture date: Tuesday September 12, 2023. (Photo by Doug Peters/PA Images via Getty Images)

Doja Cat in Monse

Doja Cat延續一貫的大膽作風,向其專輯《Scarlet》致敬,專輯封面以白色為背景,兩隻交織在一起的蜘蛛上有兩顆珍珠點綴。她身著Monse白色勾針連衣裙出席頒獎典禮,肌膚被如蜘蛛網般的線條包裹,並選用Maria Tash和Nicole Rose的首飾作搭配,將Doja Cat的超強氣場與性感身材烘托到極致。

NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Doja Cat during the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Udo Salters/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Doja Cat during the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Udo Salters/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)

Anitta in Schiaparelli Couture

巴西歌手Anitta以一席Schiaparelli FW23 Couture黑色禮服亮相紅毯,雙耳分別搭配橙色與黃色超長耳環,增加吸睛度,合身剪裁和薄紗面料塑造出迷人的曲線,打造年輕颯爽的摩登氣質。

NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Anitta attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at the Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/WireImage)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Anitta attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at the Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/WireImage)

Cardi B in Dilara Findikoglu

Cardi B身著一套由銀色髮夾製作而成的Dilara Findikoglu定製禮服裙出席紅毯,與時下復蘇的重金屬時尚風潮不謀而合。這套超重工的禮服裙採取無肩帶設計,搭配Cardi B俐落的黑色直髮,簡直是為其量身定制!她還與丈夫Offset在紅毯上放閃,Offset亦用銀色髮夾裝飾自己的髒辮,與Cardi B的造型相呼應。

NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Cardi B attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at the Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/WireImage)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Cardi B attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at the Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/WireImage)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: (L-R) Offset and Cardi B attend the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at the Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/WireImage)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: (L-R) Offset and Cardi B attend the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at the Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/WireImage)

Selena Gomez in Oscar de la Renta

Selena Gomez挑戰亮眼配色,以一席紅色的Oscar de la Renta長裙驚艷出場,紅色花朵搭配鏤空設計,彰顯魅惑風情,下擺採取不規則設計,營造隨性氛圍,高開衩的設計與一字帶Jimmy Choo高跟鞋相得益彰,能夠最大限度凸顯身材線條。

NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Selena Gomez attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at the Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Dia Dipasupil/FilmMagic)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Selena Gomez attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at the Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Dia Dipasupil/FilmMagic)

Taylor Swift in Versace

本屆斬獲9座獎杯的最大贏家Taylor Swift身穿Versace黑色不規則禮服裙亮相,高開衩的設計使其肆意露出美腿,疊搭Ariel Saidian,Anita Ko及Maria Tash的首飾,華麗感與幹練氣質油然而生。

NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Taylor Swift during the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Udo Salters/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Taylor Swift during the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Udo Salters/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)

Emily Ratajkowski in vintage Jean Paul Gaultier

本屆MTV VMAs主持人Emily Ratajkowski以一身復古造型出席紅毯,身穿vintage Jean Paul Gaultier禮服裙,上半身綠色綁帶設計將馬甲線一覽無餘,裙擺處則覆蓋橙色復古圖案,演繹獨一無二的風采。

NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Emily Ratajkowski attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images for MTV)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Emily Ratajkowski attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images for MTV)

Nicki Minaj in Dolce & Gabbana

Nicki Minaj則以「粉色新娘」造型示人,Dolce & Gabbana禮服裙採用粉色蕾絲、緞面材質,點綴波點和花紋元素,增添華貴感。

NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Nicki Minaj attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at the Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/WireImage)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Nicki Minaj attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at the Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/WireImage)

Lil Nas X in Palomo Spain

不想奪得眾人矚目的歌手不是好Rapper,Lil Nas X依舊「腦洞大開」,以一席Palomo Spain SS24 RTW出場,束身衣與蕾絲透視襯衫巧妙結合,不規則裙擺設計模糊性別界線,延續對浮誇頭飾的熱忱,Lil Nas X選用白色孔雀羽毛頭飾點亮整套Look。

NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Lil Nas X poses in the press room at the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Eugene Gologursky/Getty Images for MTV)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Lil Nas X poses in the press room at the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Eugene Gologursky/Getty Images for MTV)

JT in Mirror Palais

JT上身Mirror Palais SS24 RTW粉色抹胸綁帶禮服裙,搭配防水台高跟鞋,綁帶設計貫穿整套禮服,盡顯性感熱辣。

NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: JT attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at the Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/WireImage)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: JT attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at the Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/WireImage)

Kelsea Ballerini in custom Mônot

Kelsea Ballerini身穿一席紅色custom Mônot禮服裙登場,胸口的交叉鏤空設計呈現極簡的線條,大面積露背造型無疑是自信態度的展露。

NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Kelsea Ballerini attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Kelsea Ballerini attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic)

Coco Jones in Moschino

Coco Jones身穿Moschino FW23 RTW黑色皮革禮服出席,超大金屬釦抹胸搭配魚尾版型半身裙,在視覺上豐富層次感,充分體現女性軀體之美。

NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Coco Jones attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Taylor Hill/Getty Images)
NEWARK, NEW JERSEY - SEPTEMBER 12: Coco Jones attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at Prudential Center on September 12, 2023 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Taylor Hill/Getty Images)

萬眾期待的2023 MTV VMAs已落下帷幕,你最心儀哪一套造型呢?

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