如果要挑選一張適合自己的瑜伽墊,可以由不同厚薄、軟硬度和材質入手。市面上最常見的瑜伽墊厚度約4至6mm,厚身瑜伽墊的承托力一般較高,觸感較軟,對初學者來說較舒適;薄身的瑜伽墊則較易平衡,而且便攜,帶去旅行或到Yoga Studio上課時,鋪在公用瑜伽墊上亦很方便。
1. 每次使用前要先清潔好雙手和腳
2. 練習前後亦要用消毒酒精噴霧或濕紙巾,將墊的正反兩面抹好
3. 瑜伽墊不宜共用,到Yoga studio上課時可攜帶自己的瑜伽墊,更方便的做法是自帶鋪布鋪在公家瑜伽墊上,每次用完後可放入洗衣機清洗,除了乾淨衛生外,練習時也能安心貼近地面
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Even during the outbreak of the coronavirus, you don’t have to stop your practice as it is very important to stay active.🏃🏻♀️🤸🏻♀️🏋🏻♀️ 🧘🏻♀️ . One of our tips is to bring your own mat anywhere to keep your body moving. Just make your Paletta mat your best workout buddy!💪🏻 . Adapt the habit of cleaning your Paletta mat before and after each workout, sanitise it with spray or even better you can put it into the washing machine!! 😱 Then hang it to dry under the sun.☀️Oh! how much we love the feeling of a freshly cleaned and sun-warmed Paletta mat!🧼🥰 Get yours now on mypaletta.com #mypaletta #fightvirus #hygienetips #hkyogateacher #healthy2020 #palettamat #fitnessinspo #stayactive #yogainspo #homekong #addoil
Paletta | Colourful Yoga Mat 🌈(@mypaletta)分享的帖子 於 PST 2020 年 2月 月 3 日 2:25 上午 發佈
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Indulge yourself into the mindfulness green🌱 . #namaste #mypaletta #mindfulness #seaglass #meditation
Paletta | Colourful Yoga Mat 🌈(@mypaletta)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 10月 月 23 日 8:08 上午 發佈
1. Manduka
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Does your practice need a refresh? Get inspired to step back on the mat with brand new colors and prints available now. #MandukaYoga Shop here: http://bit.ly/Manduka_YogaMats
Manduka(@mandukayoga)分享的帖子 於 PST 2020 年 1月 月 20 日 9:39 上午 發佈
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At home yoga with @janiceliou
Manduka(@mandukayoga)分享的帖子 於 PST 2020 年 2月 月 1 日 12:00 下午 發佈
2. Liforme
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Which colour to practice on? The struggle is real… .. Three cheers for three of our favourite natural mood elevators: sunshine, bright colours, and, of course, yoga. Since it’s the dead of winter here in the Northern Hemisphere the first is hard to come by but we are amply supplied in the last two. Get on your Liforme Yoga Mat for some practice time to see what we mean. ❤️ .. Thank you to Liforme ambassador @ninayoganow for elevating our mood with this bright and striking shot! ❤️🙏🏼 .. #feelgoodfriday #splits #weekend #mood #colour #red #pink #orange #sunshine #happiness #gratitude #yoga #liforme #liformeyogamat
Liforme Yoga(@liforme)分享的帖子 於 PST 2020 年 1月 月 24 日 7:10 上午 發佈
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💥 EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK 👀💥 + GRATEFUL GIVEAWAY! OUR LATEST SPECIAL EDITION MAT ❤️🙏 (swipe across) .. We’re excited to give all you good Yogis out there an exclusive preview of our brand NEW Liforme Gratitude Mat - launching soon! ❤️🙏 Practice with an attitude of gratitude on our bright new ‘grateful pink’ Yoga Mat, shown here with our dear friend @danielrama_. Coming soon to our website, this mat features Liforme’s usual unrivalled grip, a design embellishment inspired by the theme of ‘Gratitude’ consisting of prayer hands and blossoming lotus flowers at the centre of the alignment guide and is, as with everything we make here at Liforme, truly planet friendly and body kind. We’ll also be donating 5% of all sales of this new mat during its initial launch period to our official charity partner, @yogagivesback! More on this soon… .. As a token of our gratitude to Yoga, and to honour the gifts that Yoga gives us, we’re offering TWO of you the chance to WIN a Liforme Gratitude Mat, in either grateful pink or our popular grey! Enter now to be the first to practice on this new mat… .. To enter this giveaway, all you have to do is: .. 1.Follow Liforme and like this post. .. 2.Comment below telling us in one word (or more if you prefer) what you’re grateful for, in terms of what Yoga has brought into your life. .. 3.Tag a friend (or as many as possible, up to 20 max please) to help spread word of this giveaway and our exciting new mat! .. 4. Stay tuned for the exciting upcoming launch - watch this space!! .. Wishing you all good luck, and we look forward to reading your comments dear Yogi friends – 2 winners will be announced on Wednesday (12 June).🤞❤️ .. Winners chosen: @natashacocco and Lloyd Matias M. Arbiol (who commented on our Facebook post). ❤️🙏 .. 📸❤️ @sigismondiphotography #grateful #thankyou #liformegratitudemat #yogagivesback #gratitude #attitudeofgratitude #liforme #giveaway #yogainspiration #yogacommunity #ecofriendlyyogamat #nonslipyogamat #yoga #asana #yogapractice #loveyoga #yogaanywhere #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #liformetravelmat #liformeyogamat #liveformore
Liforme Yoga(@liforme)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 6月 月 10 日 7:20 上午 發佈
3. Clesign