


Australian cafe in Pavilion Street


發布於 2023年04月17日03:48

My favourite Australian cafe in Pavilion Street, with warm ambiance and great outdoor area! I’m coming for the hotcakes, and it was amazingly good!

✨Ricotta hotcakes, banana and noneycomb butter £16
✨Bill's coconut curry, choi sum, holy basil, brown rice - Fish Prawn Curry £21.5
✨French fries £5
✨Espresso, avocado and vanilla shake £7.5

Ricotta hotcakes like the one we tried in Japan called bills, it tastes as good as we had in Japan! So soft, floppy with cheese inside the pancake, not like the traditional pancake, it’s full of the taste of ricotta cheese and it’s moist too😍 with syrup and bananas, so satisfied can’t ask for more🤤

We ordered one curry big plate, with fish and prawn, both are fresh and delicious! Curry tastes good tho the texture a bit thin~

Had my first milkshake this year in a sunny day😍 this coffee milkshake surprises me !! Well combination of espresso, avocado and vanilla, so smooth and with little coffee taste, it’s just amazing🤤

📌 @grangerandco

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📍Location: 237-239 Pavilion Rd, London SW1X 0BP

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