


Mainland spokesperson slams Lai Ching-te's sinister intention for "Taiwan independence"


發布於 09月14日14:30 • Jiang Shengxiong,wuziyu(yidu)

BEIJING, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Saturday slammed Taiwan leader Lai Ching-te's call for Taiwan people's so-called self-salvation, which fully exposed his sinister intention for "Taiwan independence" and elevating confrontation across the Taiwan Strait.

Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, made the remarks in response to a press inquiry about comments by Lai.

It has been a common practice of Lai and the Democratic Progressive Party to impose "Taiwan independence" stance of a few people on the entirety of Taiwan people under the name of "democracy and freedom," Chen said.

Such a practice would only push Taiwan toward the danger of war, bring deep trouble to Taiwan compatriots, and make them -- and even their offspring -- suffer from the disastrous consequences of "Taiwan independence," Chen added.

He called on Taiwan compatriots to understand the true essence of democracy and freedom, fully realize that "Taiwan independence" is a threat to peace in the Strait and their own safety, and resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence" and external interference. ■

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