日前已回應馬凱事件的歐盟,今日再次發聲明回應事件,今次措詞更為強硬。歐盟指港府今次拒絕向馬凱續批工作簽證一事,埋下一個令人擔心的先例:「在缺乏一個可信的解釋下,此決定看來像一個出於政治動機的決定(the decision appears politically motivated ),因此令人極之擔心香港的新聞自由和表達自由。」
加拿大駐香港及澳門總領事館也在facebook發表聲明,對馬凱事件表示關注。加拿大領事館於聲明指,港府拒絕馬凱簽證的決定缺乏明確理據,也令人對香港的新聞及言論自由情況產生「令人擔憂的不確定性」(troubling uncertainty),領事館重申,傳媒的角色對提高政府透明度及問責制極為重要,認為政府插手傳媒事務會損害《基本法》保障的言論、新聞及出版自由。
The decision by the Hong Kong authorities to refuse to renew the working visa of the Financial Times' Asia news editor, Victor Mallet, sets a worrying precedent. In the absence of a credible alternative explanation from the authorities, the decision appears politically motivated and therefore raises serious concerns about freedom of the press and freedom of expression in Hong Kong. It risks damaging Hong Kong's international standing and trust in the "one country, two systems" principle.
Journalists must be allowed to perform their work independently and without interference.