


【澳洲】在世界上最黑暗之地化身追光者 塔斯曼尼亞荒野地玩樂攻略

Travelbag.hk 線上旅遊雜誌

更新於 2021年07月10日04:45 • 發布於 2021年07月11日01:35 • Kate





Bay of Fires Bush Retreat**



Nightsky, Bay of Fires
Nightsky, Bay of Fires


所以,不少人來到塔斯曼尼亞會選擇入住位處荒野的酒店或Glamping,如在東海岸火焰灣(Bay of Fires)的,灣內岩石以披耀眼橙黃色地衣而聞名知名,簡直是清新空氣代名詞,岩石與碧綠海水互相輝映。整個灣長50公里,由比納隆灣(Binalong Bay)延伸至埃迪斯岬(Eddystone Point),旅人愛在此滑浪、釣魚、潛水、玩越野單車和叢林散步。如入住豪華帳蓬Bay of Fires Bush Retreat,主人Tom和Anna更會帶你在野外玩瑜珈、按摩、四驅車、坐船出海,晚上一出來就見漆黑中閃着滿天星斗。


Glamping style accommodation on Tasmania’s East Coast.
Glamping style accommodation on Tasmania’s East Coast.


Bay of Fires Bush Retreat, Bay of Fires



下榻玩味的懸浮湖中酒店Pumphouse Point**

除了Glamping外,喜歡住在室內的朋友,也可以轉移陣地到著名的搖藍山聖佳爾湖國家公園,園內有一懸浮於湖中的酒店,名字叫Pumphouse Point 。這家酒店由1940年代水力發電的泵房改建而成,分別提供湖上和岸上的房間讓住客選擇,全館合共19個房間,只供成人入住,寧靜無比。晚上整個湖區只有酒店會發出微微的燈光,在酒店內就能完全享有偌大的天空美景,甚至還可以聽到遠處野生動物的腳步聲和湖水流動聲韻,感受各種自然生態的生活點滴,學著與牠們共存。


Aurora Australis
Aurora Australis



In the middle of Tasmania, on the southern hemisphere’s deepest lake, awaits a wilderness experience: Pumphouse Point. Walk deep into the fjord-like surrounds of Lake St Clair, explore the giant myrtle forests, tread softly on the moss-covered understory and forget the world you left behind.
In the middle of Tasmania, on the southern hemisphere’s deepest lake, awaits a wilderness experience: Pumphouse Point. Walk deep into the fjord-like surrounds of Lake St Clair, explore the giant myrtle forests, tread softly on the moss-covered understory and forget the world you left behind.


Pumphouse Point, Lake St. Clair



入住海邊小屋Swayers Bay Shacks嚐盡島上一切美食**

塔斯曼尼亞由52個小島組成,可以乘觀光客機或渡輪前往東北海岸的弗林德斯島(Flinders Island),島上有密茂叢林、碧綠海水和多種野生動物,也可健行至斯切萊茨基峰(Strzelecki Peaks)看花崗石,或沿岸行前往城堡石,是觀日落最佳地方。入住海邊度假小屋Sawyers Bay Shacks,面朝巴斯海峽(Bass Strait)和切萊茨基山(Mount Strzelecki),晚上可自己煮食,然後坐在露台上邊賞夜景邊品嚐塔斯曼尼亞新鮮食物,一樂也!


Located right on the beach, with no public access for miles, Sawyers Bay Shacks will reconnect you with nature. The big shack is great for large family holidays, while the small shack is the perfect cosy retreat for couples. Both shacks have a well equipped kitchen, dishwasher, quality linen and a double sided fireplace onto the deck.
Located right on the beach, with no public access for miles, Sawyers Bay Shacks will reconnect you with nature. The big shack is great for large family holidays, while the small shack is the perfect cosy retreat for couples. Both shacks have a well equipped kitchen, dishwasher, quality linen and a double sided fireplace onto the deck.


Sawyer Bay Shacks, Flinders Island


This elevated lighthouse stands alongside the entrance to Currie Harbour and serves the dual purpose of a harbour entrance light and a coastal light. An English company pre-fabricated the structure from wrought iron with a cast iron base before shipping to King Island for construction in 1879.
This elevated lighthouse stands alongside the entrance to Currie Harbour and serves the dual purpose of a harbour entrance light and a coastal light. An English company pre-fabricated the structure from wrought iron with a cast iron base before shipping to King Island for construction in 1879.



Table Cape Tulip Farm are growers and suppliers of quality flowering bulbs.
Table Cape Tulip Farm are growers and suppliers of quality flowering bulbs.



The magnificent mountain of Ben Lomond is dominated by an alpine plateau over 1500 metres high and surrounded on all sides by precipitous escarpments. It’s also the main destination for downhill skiing in Tasmania. Its stark, treeless landscape is visible from much of Tasmania’s north and the road to the top, know as Jacob’s Ladder, is sure to leave a lasting memory.
The magnificent mountain of Ben Lomond is dominated by an alpine plateau over 1500 metres high and surrounded on all sides by precipitous escarpments. It’s also the main destination for downhill skiing in Tasmania. Its stark, treeless landscape is visible from much of Tasmania’s north and the road to the top, know as Jacob’s Ladder, is sure to leave a lasting memory.


相片提供:Tourism Tasmania、 Dietmar Kahles、Luke Tscharke、Jarrad Seng、Melissa Findley、Simon Kruit

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