美國老牌鄉謠音樂巨星克里斯多佛森(Kris Kristofferson)28日於夏威夷的家中離世,享壽88歲。其家人在臉書發文感謝粉絲多年來的愛,曾經與其合作著名電影《星夢淚痕》的芭芭拉·史翠珊也發文表示哀悼。
據美聯社30日報導,克里斯多佛森的家族發言人麥克法蘭(Ebie McFarland)在一封電子郵件中表示,這位鄉村音樂巨星和好萊塢一線演員於28日在家人的陪伴下去世,但並未說明死因。
“Kris Kristofferson believed creativity is God-given, and those who ignore such a gift are doomed to unhappiness. He preached that a life of the mind gives voice to the soul, and his work gave voice not only to his soul but to ours. He leaves a resounding legacy.”
—Kyle Young,… pic.twitter.com/JMyZp6lJUr— Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum (@countrymusichof) September 29, 2024
據公開資料,克里斯多佛森1936年6月22日出生於美國德州,是美國著名鄉村音樂歌手、作曲家、音樂家和演員。從20 世紀60 年代末起,他創作了眾多被視為鄉村音樂和搖滾樂標準的優秀作品,其中最有名的是《Me and Bobby McGee》《For the Good Times》《Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down》(曾獲年度鄉村音樂學會CMA大獎)和《Help Me Make It Through the Nigh》(曾獲格萊美獎)。
演歌雙棲的克里斯多佛森最為人熟知的要數他與芭芭拉·史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)主演的《星夢淚痕》 (A Star Is Born,或譯《一個巨星的誕生》),該電影於1976年上映,兩人因拍攝這部愛情音樂電影一度傳出緋聞。該電影自1937年首度上映以來在好萊塢電影史已有4個版本,最新版本為2018年女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)主演的音樂愛情劇情片《一個巨星的誕生》,而克里斯多佛森所主演的第3個版本著重在演唱會表演。
The first time I saw Kris performing at the Troubadour club in L.A. I knew he was something special. Barefoot and strumming his guitar, he seemed like the perfect choice for a script I was developing, which eventually became A Star Is Born.
In the movie, Kris and I sang the… pic.twitter.com/WDdU2zoUwD— Barbra Streisand (@BarbraStreisand) September 30, 2024
And now, a remembrance of outlaw country performer Kris Kristofferson, who died in Hawaii overnight. Here he is in the 1976 version of "A Star is Born" singing on stage to one person, one very special person: Barbra Streisand. The song is called "Watch Closely Now". pic.twitter.com/ewWy8i0Jv1
— K9 News (@SausageAnchor) September 30, 2024
克里斯多佛森亦出演過漫威(Marvel)超級英雄電影,他曾參演3集《刀鋒戰士》(Blade),其中續集《刀鋒戰士2之變種復活》(Blade II)更與甄子丹有對手戲。
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