


Danny Green接死亡恐嚇


更新於 2020年10月13日07:46 • 發布於 2020年10月13日07:19 • 老編

在NBA總決賽Game 5 之後,Los Angeles Lakers 的正選得分後衛Danny Green 說自己和未婚妻,收到多個死亡恐嚇 — Green 在Game 5 末段投失了wide-open 的關鍵三分球,錯失反超前機會,Lakers 因此沒能打五場就封王。(後來Game 6 Lakers 以106-93 得勝,以局數4-2擊敗Miami Heat 成爲NBA 2019-20球季的總冠軍)

Green 回應接死亡恐嚇這事:“It’s a basketball game. … People are emotional. Fans are emotional. I hope they don’t take it that seriously. … I know they’re just taking out their emotions and they need somebody to blame. It came down to that last play and of course I’m the easy target.”

(這是場籃球賽。 … 人都情緒化。球迷都情緒化。我希望他們不將這事看得這般認真。… 我知道他們現在是在發泄情緒。而他們需要某個人來責備。)

“I hope they’re that passionate about voting, or injustice for these people who deserve justice – we’ll get some better change in the country.”

(我希望他們對投票有同樣熱情,或是對不公義,爲那些值得享公義的人們。(如果他們做得到) 我們會在這個國家看到更好的進步。)

“I had more time than I realized, should have taken more time…I’d give anything to get that shot back again, trust me. … Any person that plays basketball knows it’s never only on one play.”

(我當時以爲沒更多時間,應該要用多些時間。 … 我願意用任何一切來換那一球出手機會,信我。 … 任何一個有打籃球的人都知道這(勝負)並非決定於一球。)

“Obviously, you grow with mistakes and losses, you grow more. I looked at it plenty of times, I had a chance to see it, and it was a good look. I’m taking my time next time, if I have the same opportunity, better believe I’m going in with the same confidence – I’m not shaken at all (or) worried. I have a lot of confidence in our group and in myself because I’ve been in that situation plenty of times.”

(當然,人會隨錯誤和落敗而成長,會成長更多。我有看過(投失三分)影片,已有機會看到,而那確實是個良好的出手機會。下一次我會用更多時間,如果我有同樣機會的話。要相信,我下次將帶着同樣自信來上場 — 我沒有受這事動搖或擔心。我對我們團隊和自己很有信心,因爲我已經試過這種情況很多次。)




Kobe 談投失關鍵球-

“I have no fear whatsoever. If I take the last-second shot and I miss. So what? Take it. If we make it, good. Let’s all go home and get ready for the next game.”




不是我錯 [老編]


Danny Green 說 “It’s a basketball game”。是 “game”。那麼當他跟着Lakers 上下講 “Mamba Mentality” 的時候、說Mamba精神 "larger than basketball, larger than life" 的時候,他所說的 "Mamba Mentality" 是指遊戲/競技之中的一個心法技能嗎?

Game 5 不贏如果不怪他,那誰更應該怪?願意以任何一切來換,又只忙着爲自己找藉口尋開脫,有爲下球關鍵出手機會全心全意好好作準備?


忠實評論Danny Green,不等如我同意恐嚇者所爲。此句爲照顧邏輯力弱者所寫。

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留言 1

  • クロビス
    Have u ever played basketball? Do you guarantee to get it in even you have wide open shot? Even you have 20 secs to aim, do you guarantee to get it in? Jesus.... write something with responsibility.