


5個外地瑜伽YouTubers推介 在家跟實時影片邊睇邊做


發布於 2020年04月21日09:40 • 邱家雪

今日政府宣布防疫措施延長,代表又多14日冇得上瑜伽堂,各位yogis唯有拿出瑜伽墊,繼續乖乖留在家中練習。以下推介5個外地YouTube Channels,分別提供初級到高難度的實時練習影片,讓觀眾同步邊睇邊做,亦有針對動作分析的詳細教學,適合想趁停課期間加強某些訓練的同學。

未能到Yoga Studio上堂的期間,跟外國YouTuber練習也是不錯的選擇。
未能到Yoga Studio上堂的期間,跟外國YouTuber練習也是不錯的選擇。

1. Yoga With Adriene

第一位介紹的是擁有700萬subscribers的美國瑜伽達人Adriene Mishler,她從17歲開始學瑜伽,其後考獲資業資格,並開設網上頻道。她的影片以實時練習教學為主,時間長度大多是20至40分鐘,看一至兩條就大概等如一堂1小時的瑜伽課。Adriene會一邊示範各種動作,一邊詳細地講解注意要點和呼吸節奏等,動作也不算太高難度,初學者也能輕鬆上手。

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Join me tomorrow morning at 9:30am CT over at @milkandhoneyproducts IG live. I’ll be guiding a little combination of meditation and yoga. Take twenty minutes and join us? With Love 💗 #community #takegoodcare #fwfg

Adriene Mishler(@adrienelouise)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 3月 月 12 日 5:00 下午 發佈

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CONSCIOUS RELATIONSHIPS PT II - Relationship Boost now up on FWFG YOGA, our membership site. Take time to N U R T U R E with this comforting and strengthening (read: spinal health, internal organ boost, core toning, booty bumping with the gentleness of an inspired lamb, not the bark of a bootcamp instructor) 34 minute yoga practice designed to give your relationship awareness a boost! (Starts with the self!) Use breath to remember how to trust yourself and allow your asana practice to inspire a deeper listening. It is my pleasure to guide you! Pair this with my 11 minute Meditation for Meaningful Relationships! #fwfgyoga #fwfglife #findwhatfeelsgood Not a FWFG member? Come take a tour and practice for a week - for free! www.fwfg.com PS: Free featured practice + fresh love letter in your box tomorrow! Sign up for free via my website yogawithadriene.com / link in bio.

Adriene Mishler(@adrienelouise)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 4月 月 18 日 8:09 上午 發佈

2. Yoga With Tim


如果你已經不是新手,又想向高難度挑戰,推介追蹤「Yoga With Tim」頻道,Tim導師的影片中有不少Power Yoga和Vinyasa Flow的課程,節奏較明快,除了練到柔韌度,也可以增強體能,影片長度大多超過30分鐘,包你做到身水身汗。Tim也會不時推出30 Day Challenge,自問有恆心的同學不妨跟住練,感受身體的變化。

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35 trips around the sun ☀️ today. 17 of them spent on the mat everyday and so grateful for all the blessings that’s brought.

Yoga with Tim(@timsenesiyoga)分享的帖子 於 PST 2019 年 11月 月 3 日 8:23 上午 發佈

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You did it! 30 days of yoga together. If you completed the challenge with me today I’d love to hear a thing or two about your experience below, or just that you finished. I’m so grateful and honored that you took this journey with me. 🙏

Yoga with Tim(@timsenesiyoga)分享的帖子 於 PST 2020 年 1月 月 30 日 7:44 上午 發佈



3. Boho Beautiful

做瑜伽除了能訓練身體肌肉,放鬆心靈也是很重要的一環。接下來介紹的「Boho Beautiful」頻道,導師特意在不同自然環境拍教學影片,有時在森林中,有時則在海邊,加上柔和的背景音樂,令人靜下心,幻想自己也置身於大自然之中,心情都舒暢啲。除了瑜伽,她也會拍有關冥想和普拉提的教學片,主題十分多元化。



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For the first time in my life, I’ve found comfort and peace within my own silence. ⁣⁣ ⁣I used to not be able to be with myself.⁣⁣ I always needed some kind of distraction, background noise, or conversation to fill those empty moments. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ These days I now find myself craving those “empty moments”. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Pure silence. ⁣⁣ Detachment from the noise of this world. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I used to believe I had to go deep into the woods, or far out into the ocean to find that. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ But now I’m slowly realizing ⁣⁣ that this whole time it was within me all along.⁣⁣ ⁣ On this powerful Full Moon tonight, may we all take a moment and fill our empty moments with love and reflection.⁣ It’s a powerful one tonight. 🌚 ⁣⁣ #bohobeautiful #fullmoon #wolfmoon #fullmoonritual #reflection #silencethemind #manifestation #onewiththeuniverse #powerful

Boho Beautiful(@bohobeautifullife)分享的帖子 於 PST 2020 年 1月 月 10 日 2:38 下午 發佈

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“Adaptability is not imitation. It means power of resistance and assimilation” — Mahatma Gandhi⁣ ⁣ Increasing your flexibility is one of the great benefits of practicing yoga, and it is also one of the most important lessons that can be taken off of the mat and into everyday life. ⁣ ⁣ Because life has its way of constantly challenging & pushing you, redirecting you in all kinds of different ways. But the greatest masters of mind and body fluidity are unceasingly working to increase their ability to adapt their perspectives, movements, and mindset to better serve themselves, and others. ⁣ ⁣ Like on your yoga mat, focusing on elevating your flexibility slightly every time you are challenged, might be one of the truest paths to growth and improvement.⁣ ⁣ ❤️🙏❤️ #bohobeautiful #yogapractice #yogainspiration #yogaposes #bohobeautifulyoga #beachyoga #natarajasana #dancerpose #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeveryday #yogalife #yogalove

Boho Beautiful(@bohobeautifullife)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 10月 月 30 日 12:41 下午 發佈

4. 亞洲瑜伽Yoga Asia


停課不停學,如果想進一步鑽研不同式子,最適合follow「亞洲瑜伽Yoga Asia」頻道,當中有不同專業瑜伽導師和物理治療師,深入針對不同動作講解,例如教你循序漸進地練成一字馬、烏鴉式、輪式、倒立等等,讓練習者更清楚練習細節和目標,到開課時自然功力大增啦!


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反轉戰士式 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📌兩腳指尖方向成90度,並站在一直線上 📌前腳小腿垂直地面,膝蓋在腳踝上方 📌雙腿保持出力,身體向後延伸 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 戰士可以強化腿部肌肉,反轉式加入上半身的延展,腳的力量向下扎根、身體向上延伸✨

YogaAsia 亞洲瑜伽(@yogaasia.tw)分享的帖子 於 PST 2018 年 11月 月 4 日 10:06 下午 發佈

5. 凱蒂瑜珈Flow With Katie


最後介紹的是一位台灣YouTuber Katie,她已經是兩個孩子的媽媽,但仍保持結實苗條的身型,她的頻道也是以實時教學片為主,影片主題多樣化,例如消除腰背痛、改善骨盤前傾、睡前伸展等,很適合都市人放工後練習,慢慢改善身體狀況。她的影片多數約5至20分鐘,難度也不高,如果想在家中嘗試練習瑜伽,Katie的教學也能作一個不錯的參考。


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⚠️重要|防疫最新公告|給每一位到實體教室上課的同學: 🆕 清明連假如有前往中央疫情發布的11個風景區或到人潮擁擠的地方,請自主健康管理 14 天! / 🆕 為維護防疫期間的安全距離,將配合室內間隔 1.5公尺,Yoga Vibes @hiyogavibes 與常常好食 @healthy_diet_studio 每班人數將調整為 10人滿班,就享 Living Space @jslivingspace 調整為 4 人滿班。保護老師也保護同學!提醒盡早約課! / 🆕 請務必戴口罩才能進教室! / 1、如果您或家人近期剛返國或有症狀,請主動請假,二週後再回來上課。課卡使用期限可依修養康復期延長。 2、額溫超過37.5度,請勿進教室上課。煩請配合進門量體溫與手部消毒。 3、搭乘大眾運輸工具務必配戴口罩,進入教室請洗手、噴酒精消毒,如認為有必要,可戴著口罩上課。 4、防疫期間教室會保持通風,並於每堂上課前,使用酒精消毒! 5、建議同學們攜帶自己的『瑜珈鋪巾』,讓保護更上一層樓!教室現場提供多款可選購。 / 如果沒有症狀,也請安心來教室保持練習,一起提高免疫力!防疫做好做滿,練習安全安心💪 / 請訂閱我 YouTube ► 凱蒂瑜珈 Flow With Katie 請追蹤我 Facebook ► Flow With Katie #凱蒂瑜珈 #flowwithkatie

Flow With Katie(@flowwithkatie)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2020 年 4月 月 6 日 5:54 下午 發佈



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有時生活並沒有給你你想要的東西, 不是因為你不值得,而是因為你應得的更多🌈 - 即便度過了很糟糕的一天、一週、一個月或一年,也別輕易斷言自己有個很糟糕的生活,生命是波浪狀的,如同海水潮起潮落⚡️ Happy Friday ❤️ - 請訂閱我 YouTube ►凱蒂瑜珈Flow With Katie 請追蹤我 FB ►搜尋 flowwithkatie 🔴一對一 / 私人或企業包班 / 活動邀約 - #flowwithkatie #凱蒂瑜珈 #taiwantravel #taipeitrip #taipeitravel #白沙灣🌊

Flow With Katie(@flowwithkatie)分享的帖子 於 PDT 2019 年 8月 月 30 日 5:19 上午 發佈