【TOP 30 LINE傳世菜式】
1. 冷燻三文魚:採用魚背肉用海鹽醃製4小時,再用芬蘭榿木冷燻而成,配酸豆汁享用。
2. 輕煎三文魚:將三文魚腹肉浸泡在烤茴香籽和蒔蘿鹽水中。 然後再用黑胡椒和茴香籽等香料碎輕煎三文魚,配上香滑牛油果忌廉一起食用。
3. 三文魚慕絲:先將三文魚腩熱煙熏,再將其與馬鈴薯、洋蔥和茴香一起放入魚湯中煮至軟腍。 然後製成魚蓉與酸忌廉和新鮮刁草混合,製成甘甜的煙燻三文魚慕絲。
4. 紅菜頭漬:三文魚柳以紅菜頭、刁草等調味料精心醃製 20 小時。 除掉調味料後留下美味的三文魚,搭配瑞典芥末刁草汁絕對是FINDS的招牌菜。
5. 醃製三文魚:三文魚尾醃製於自家製冷湯中, 賦予三文魚濃郁的風味,感受誘人的醃製體驗。
6. 煙燻三文魚子:來自芬蘭的榿木燻製三文魚子,為這鮮美的魚子增添了一絲優雅和鹹香,令整個三文魚體驗更圓滿。
Using sustainably sourced Norwegian salmon and inspired by Nordic cooking methods, we present 6 cuts of salmon prepared in 6 distinct ways at FINDS: Cold Smoked, Seared, Mousse, Gravad Lax, Pickled, and Golden Roe.
1. Cold Smoked Salmon: We start with salmon top loin, curing it with sea salt for 4 hours before smoking it with alder wood from Finland. Served with a delightful Capers sauce.
2. Seared Salmon: Using salmon loin, we brine it in salt brine infused with toasted fennel seeds and dill. Afterward, it's expertly seared with a crushed spice mix of Black Pepper and Fennel Seeds. Served alongside creamy Avocado Crème.
3. Salmon Mousse: Here, we hot smoke the salmon belly fillet and cooked it in fish stock with potatoes, onions, and fennel until incredibly tender. It is then pureed and combined with sour cream and fresh dill, resulting in a luscious smoked salmon mousse.
4. Gravad Lax: The salmon fillet is carefully cured for 20 hours with beetroot, dill, etc. All seasonings are removed afterward, leaving behind a beautifully flavoured gravad lax salmon. Served with a classic Swedish Mustard Dill Sauce.
5. Pickled Salmon: Using the salmon tail, we pickle it in a homemade chilled broth. This process imparts a tangy and flavourful profile to the salmon, creating a delightful pickled experience.
6. Salmon Roe: To complement the assortment, we smoked the salmon roe with alder wood from Finland. This addition adds a touch of elegance and briny flavour to the overall presentation.
Each of these six preparations showcases the versatility of salmon, embark on a captivating journey of salmon exploration, savouring the diverse textures and flavours brought forth by each unique cooking method.
電話:2522 9318
地址:1/F The Luxe Manor, 39 Kimberley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong