


Bad-boy singer-actor Steven Cheung thanks new bride and mother of his baby

South China Morning Post

發布於 2019年09月05日13:09 • Staff reporter
  • The 34-year-old, who was outed as a serial cheater by three women at once, thanked his new bride Au Man-man for tolerating him
  • The announcement in July of their wedding came as a shock to the Hong Kong celebrity’s then girlfriend, actress April Leung
Hong Kong pop star turned actor Steven Cheung Chi-hang has promised to be good after marrying the mother of his baby. Photo: EEG Music
Hong Kong pop star turned actor Steven Cheung Chi-hang has promised to be good after marrying the mother of his baby. Photo: EEG Music

Hong Kong celebrity Steven Cheung Chi-hang has married Au Man-man, the mother of his three-month-old son. The former member of pop duo Boyz announced the news on Instagram, adding another chapter to a year in which the singer has faced intense scrutiny over his personal life.

Cheung, 34, shared an image of himself and Au kissing with his 86,000 followers after registering their union on Sunday, and wrote of his nervousness about his special day and thanked his new wife for her "generosity" and for having "tolerated me all the time".

The post on Tuesday marked Cheung's return to social media after a month's absence. It has been a rocky year for the singer-turned-actor, who last month was embroiled in a cheating scandal involving four women " Hong Kong actress April Leung Ho-yan and three women who gave a joint interview to local news outlet HK01 saying Cheung had been sleeping with them.

At the end of July, Cheung revealed he was getting married to Au, 28, and that the pair were celebrating 100 days since the birth of their son. The news came as a shock to his girlfriend Leung, whom he has dated since 2016 and who wrote: "What about me? Don't you think you have something to say to me?" on his Instagram post.

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今天的心情超級緊張,一直冒汗,昨晚還睡不着,我好想喺度感謝我嘅太太,佢為我生咗一個肥肥白白嘅BB,亦都包容我一直以來犯嘅錯,嚟緊嘅日子,我會盡我一切嘅努力令到佢同我個仔得到幸福! ps : 好多報道所講我太太黑面,其實係因為佢只不過係一個普通人,未見過咁多傳媒影相,再加上超級緊張,所以先會唔識得俾反應,希望大家唔好介意

A post shared by 張致恒 CheungChiHang (@stevencheung) on Sep 2, 2019 at 4:52am PDT

Leung is a model and actress who starred in the Cantonese-language 2016 indie romantic comedy Love Stalk.

Lambasted by several Chinese-language Hong Kong media publications, which used a phrase that loosely translates as "the worst man of the century'', Cheung has spent the summer swearing he will make amends and devote himself to his new wife. He admitted he had been struggling with sex addiction and made a public apology for his "evil behaviour", Hong Kong newspaper Oriental Daily reported. In making his apology, Cheung acknowledged he "will not be forgiven".

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過往曾經有過好多負面新聞。 尤其是今次係呢件事上邊影響左好多人,亦為大家帶來負面情緒,在此我感到萬分愧疚。 在此事件上我想澄清: 被欺騙嘅包括我既未婚妻雯雯,我欺騙他我早已和April分手。 我講大話欺騙其他女生,說她用小孩威脅我和她結婚,但事實上我未婚妻從來沒有用小孩威脅過我任何東西,小孩是我堅決生下來的,他一直原諒、遷就、忍讓我。 我希望一些對她失實的指控可以暫停。 我好想喺度用我最真誠嘅心同佢道歉

A post shared by 張致恒 CheungChiHang (@stevencheung) on Aug 5, 2019 at 3:08am PDT

"However, I still want to tell each and every one of you: I have made a horrible mistake, and I am sorry to you all," he wrote on Instagram. Perhaps as a sign of deference, he also revealed that he and Au would not be having a large-scale wedding reception to celebrate their marriage.

Cheung hails from a showbiz family: he used to model alongside his younger brother Ryan, and his sister Jan once performed as a member of the band Krusty.

The actor had been due to perform a comeback concert with founding Boyz member Kenny Kwan Chi-bun at the Hong Kong Coliseum in October, after a show by Andy Hui " himself involved in a cheating scandal " was cancelled. Boyz's reunion was cancelled by Emperor Entertainment after the news of Cheung's infidelity broke.

Kenny Kwan (left) and Steven Cheung were in the band Boyz together and their reunion concert was axed after Cheung's infidelity was made public.
Kenny Kwan (left) and Steven Cheung were in the band Boyz together and their reunion concert was axed after Cheung's infidelity was made public.

"I've been wanting this for more than 10 years. This was my wish and dream," said a devastated Kwan.

In the past week Kwan has announced he will be performing a solo gig this month to make it up to fans.

When he made the Instagram post celebrating his son's 100th day, Cheung was optimistic for the future. "Stepping into another stage of life, I will work harder in the future, earn more money, and try my best to educate my children!" he wrote.

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