


adidas YEEZY 500 Taupe Light抽籤開放!人氣Blush孖生兄弟


更新於 2021年06月01日20:18 • 發布於 2021年06月02日04:18

adidas YEEZY 500 Taupe Light抽籤渠道釋出!早前據悉人氣鞋款YEEZY 500「Blush」將在闊別3年後的2021年載譽歸來,相信令不少鞋迷倍感興奮,但是今回更是好事成雙!YEEZY系列將推出「Blush」孖生兄弟款「Taupe Light」,2款配色相似度極高,同為大地色系的設計,你會選擇哪一雙?


adidas YEEZY 500 Taupe Light雙生兒

adidas和Kanye West為YEEZY系列可說是花了不少心機,為鞋迷陸陸續續推出不同的經典大地色系和搶眼設計,以完成「人人有YEEZY」的宏願!早前YEEZY AMFIA曝光了在2018年推出的 adidas YEEZY 500「Blush」 將在今年11月回歸。YEEZY 500「Blush」目前在球鞋轉售網StockX上最低詢價為$2,970,可見鞋款在市場上依然是有價有市。鞋款將按照原色設計推出,採用卡其色麂皮搭配卡其色網眼材質,同時中底及大底亦都亦用了同一種色調,為鞋款帶來monotone的異素材質感。今番的「Taupe Light」和「Blush」設計上更是同出一轍,不知鞋迷們能分辨兩者的分別?兩者的人氣又會相若嗎?

adidas YEEZY 500 Blush khaki colourway
adidas YEEZY 500 Blush khaki colourway

「Taupe Light」的鞋身同樣以麂皮搭配卡其色網眼材質打造,色調上比起「Blush」的卡其色調深了幾度。異素材的選用令鞋款的顏色出現不同的深淺,營造出tone-on-tone的質感。中底和外底的選色亦呼應鞋身,令整體的視覺效果更統一,又不會過於乏味。

adidas YEEZY 500 Taupe Light khaki colourway with a darker hue monotone design to be released on June 5th
adidas YEEZY 500 Taupe Light khaki colourway with a darker hue monotone design to be released on June 5th
adidas YEEZY 500 Taupe Light khaki colourway with a darker hue monotone design to be released on June 5th
adidas YEEZY 500 Taupe Light khaki colourway with a darker hue monotone design to be released on June 5th
adidas YEEZY 500 Taupe Light khaki colourway with a darker hue monotone design to be released on June 5th
adidas YEEZY 500 Taupe Light khaki colourway with a darker hue monotone design to be released on June 5th
adidas YEEZY 500 Taupe Light khaki colourway with a darker hue monotone design to be released on June 5th
adidas YEEZY 500 Taupe Light khaki colourway with a darker hue monotone design to be released on June 5th
adidas YEEZY 500 Taupe Light khaki colourway with a darker hue monotone design to be released on June 5th
adidas YEEZY 500 Taupe Light khaki colourway with a darker hue monotone design to be released on June 5th

adidas YEEZY 500「Taupe Light」現時在END.官網進行抽籤發售,定價$2,005(+$180運費),截止時間為6月5日,有興趣的鞋迷切勿錯過!



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