《Minecraft》年度活動「Minecraft Live」將於台灣時間 10 月 16 日凌晨 1 點線上展開,Mojang Studios 公布 2023 生物群落投票(Mob Vote)三位候選:螃蟹、犰狳和企鵝,將提早 48 小時於 13 日開放玩家票選。
與往年一樣,Minecraft Live 會揭露遊戲下一個大型更新的資訊,本次為萬眾矚目的 1.21 改版,也將公開生物群落票選結果,獲得最高票的生物將在新版本登場,比起 2022 年冠軍的嗅探獸(Sniffer)等其他虛構生物,今年的候選者都是現實存在的動物。
1. 「螃蟹」(Crab)
螃蟹是第一個釋出的候選,是 2009 年亮相以來首度改動,揮舞著招潮蟹一大一小的蟹螯,棲息地為紅樹林沼澤,在泥地與藤蔓間快速橫向移動。其掉落的新蟹螯素材,能加長玩家擺設方塊的距離。
2. 犰狳(Armadillo)
第二揭露的犰狳,是目前 Reddit 呼聲最高的候選者。犰狳將在溫暖生態系如莽原、沙漠等群落生成,受驚時會滾成球狀的防禦姿態,掉落的板狀素材「鱗甲」,能用於製作成 1.21 版新裝備「狼盔甲」,提供馴服的狼防禦加成效果。
3. 企鵝(Penguin)
Minecraft Live 2023 將於 10 月 16 日凌晨 1 點,在官方 YouTube 頻道與官方網站 Minecraft.net 直播,目前尚未透露 1.21 版相關更新資訊,但外媒 PC Gamer 預期它會在 2024 年中發布。
投票的部分,玩家須登入《Minecraft》帳號,透過遊戲伺服器、官網與啟動器進行投票。目前官方僅公開 3 隻生物的單一用途,按慣例獲選者在後續開發可能加入更多功能,而在 10 月 13 日開放投票以前,搶票行動已火熱展開。
Penguins make boats go faster? Boring. Boats are fast enough. WE NEED DOG ARMOUR
— 𝙊𝙬𝙚𝙣🎃👻🕸️ (@owen02_) October 5, 2023
ok so so far for the Minecraft Mob Vote we have:
• a crustacean whose claws increase your in-game reach (first time it's changed since Minecraft's debut in 2009)
• a funny rolling mammal that adds Wolf Armor, an item requested en-masse since 2012
• …penguin pic.twitter.com/6Un5URFr4I— yahiamice. (@Yahiamice) October 5, 2023
Both the Crab and Armadillo should come into the game as a pair. Neither one adds something crazily game changing but 2 new additions would be better.
— Brzndz 🔴 (@OfficialBrzndz) October 4, 2023
I think penguins would be hella cute, but I want dog armor and crabs would be cool as fuck.
I don’t see why they just don’t add em all. Cause we all know what doesn’t win, never gets added which is stupid.— blxrry (@BlxrryFN) October 5, 2023
Use this to vote armadillo
— Portersburgh (@PortersBurgh) October 5, 2023
can… can we… can we eat them tho?
— Luke TheNotable (@LukeTheNotable) October 3, 2023
I think penguins would be hella cute, but I want dog armor and crabs would be cool as fuck.
I don’t see why they just don’t add em all. Cause we all know what doesn’t win, never gets added which is stupid.— blxrry (@BlxrryFN) October 5, 2023