


Pavilia Forest II Falls Flat: Only 1 Unit Sold as Buyers Stay Away | HK Weekend Property Market

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The second round of sales for The Pavilia Forest II saw limited success, with only one unit sold over the past two days.
This was unit G on the seventh floor of Block 3, with a saleable area of 392 square feet and a two-bedroom layout, selling for HK$6.66 million, or roughly HK$17,000 per square foot.
About 78 new home sales were recorded over the weekend, marking a decline of around 83% from the previous week. Two new projects in the former Kai Tak runway area launched their sales, but even without the competitive pressure from Cullinan Sky, buyer demand did not appear to increase.
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更新於 11月06日11:00 • 發布於 11月06日11:00

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