


倫敦專訪女攝影師Lean Lui|封城下的創作自白

Madame Figaro

更新於 2021年04月13日04:03 • 發布於 2021年04月13日10:51

倫敦的二月特別寒冷陰鬱,下午四點天色已是一片漆黑,為了補捉瞬間即逝的日光,Lean Lui(雷安喬)一早跟攝影團隊來到攝影場地,遠距離跟Madame Figaro展開這場視覺合作。

今期我們找來Lean Lui合作拍攝。 Blue scarf (tied on hair), tie-dyed jacket, knitted short sleeves polo top all from Dior
今期我們找來Lean Lui合作拍攝。 Blue scarf (tied on hair), tie-dyed jacket, knitted short sleeves polo top all from Dior
Tie-dyed jacket, off white lace skirt both from Dior
Tie-dyed jacket, off white lace skirt both from Dior
雷安喬 Lean Lui
雷安喬 Lean Lui


2019年,Lean成為北京三影堂攝影獎中成為最年輕的入圍者;2020年,她成為首位為Dior拍攝全球廣告的香港女攝影師,於Eaton HK內的Tomorrow Maybe獨立藝術空間舉辦最後一個展覽—《Epoch》後,Lean來到倫敦Central Saint Martins攻讀「MA Contemporary Photography; Practices and Philosophies」,在哲學的層面上探討藝術。

Monogram ballerina pumps from Dior
Monogram ballerina pumps from Dior

The Whole World is My Playground

場地由香港轉至倫敦,這是Madame Figaro跟Lean第二次的合作,她繼續通過攝影來建立她的烏托邦,道出今次攝影主題「The Whole World is My Playground」的靈感:「 DIOR 2021SS video《To CutistoThink》,在短片中,被稱為「poetafanciull」的主角,代表著自 Dior創意總監Maria Grazia Chiuri幼時開始便存在於她心中,永遠不會變老且充滿好奇心的女子,亦即是童心、一種心理年齡層的切換自如的流動性。《易經》蒙卦,蒙為「啟蒙」的蒙,表示天地初開之後的蒙昧狀態, 在人則比喻小孩尚未懂事的階段;就Picass說過:

“It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.”


Multicolour stripe long sleeve one piece from Dior
Multicolour stripe long sleeve one piece from Dior



Blue bar jacket, black leather belt, monogram skirt, long sleeve white shirt all from Dior
Blue bar jacket, black leather belt, monogram skirt, long sleeve white shirt all from Dior

This is not our best but we tried our best

這次拍攝適逢倫敦封城,很多決定都需要臨場即時變通和發揮,在寒風冷雨下,大家都覺得火花未能盡情釋放,感覺有些可惜。那天結束後最令我印象深刻的是她說了一句:“This is not our best but we tried our best.”」

Multicolour stripe knit jacket, black leather belt, black and white stripe knitted skit all from Dior
Multicolour stripe knit jacket, black leather belt, black and white stripe knitted skit all from Dior
Monogram headband, off white lace long sleeve top, leather vest all from Dior
Monogram headband, off white lace long sleeve top, leather vest all from Dior

「在排版部分,我一直跟一位multi-media artist Nancy Xiao合作,由於這次的整體設計理念圍繞「遊樂場」進行,因此在字體排版方面選擇把playground放大,並且用這個詞將完整的句子打散,增加玩趣和畫面的節奏感。

Vanity Bag from Dior
Vanity Bag from Dior


Lady Dior bag from Dior
Lady Dior bag from Dior




Photographer and Art Direction: Lean Lui

Model: Yilin Wong

Styling: Victoria Yau

Makeup: Naomi Nakamura

Hair: Massimo di Stefano

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