


《格雷的五十度陰影》女主角公開電話號碼 望傾聽受暴力/性騷擾女性故事

PressLogic - Holiday假期日誌

發布於 2018年10月10日08:44 • Holiday 假期日誌

《格雷的五十度陰影》女主角達珂塔·強森(Dakota Johnson)尋日喺ig公開電話號碼,希望籍此聆聽受暴力/性騷擾女性嘅故事。


佢話:「I don’t want to speak for you. I want to listen to you.」表示比起發女性發聲,佢更想傾聽佢哋嘅聲音。

Dakota Johnson表示會讓女性喺留言信箱傾訴嘅故事得以聆聽,最後佢寄望可以實現女性平等嘅世界,強調愛、尊重同信任。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Women and girls in every corner of the world face extreme violence and sexual harassment on a daily basis. Over 800 women and adolescent girls die every day because they do not have access to reliable contraceptives and basic maternity services. I don’t want to speak for you. I want to listen to you. This is my phone number. Tell me your story in my voicemail, and I will listen. There is power in numbers. Together with @glblctzn I will compile your stories and get your voices heard. We must achieve a world where #sheisequal. Love, respect, and trust, Dakota

Dakota Johnson(@dakotajohnson)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 8 日 上午 11:12 張貼

Dakota Johnson溫暖嘅舉動令各國網民大讚佢係一個美好嘅人,仲話佢係天使添!

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