


Daphne Wong︳Francis So:以影像紀錄所愛香港的過去與當下


發布於 2021年07月28日10:05

香港表面上是個高密度的石屎森林,卻有無數迷人的風景和有保育價值的動植物物種。不少人或會忽視香港的生物和生境多樣性,但生態攝影師 Daphne Wong 及縮時攝影藝術家 Francis So,卻付出了汗水、時間和精力,默默以影像紀錄香港大自然及人文風光。我們與這片土地共存共生,又曾否欣賞過她美麗的一面? Hong Kong, a high-density city, yet with numberless attractive natural sceneries and a lot of species that deserve to be conserved. Most of the public may not aware of her rich biodiversity and habitat diversity. Wildlife photographer Daphne Wong, and Time-lapse artist, Francis So, however, choose to spend tremendous time and effort just to frame Hong Kong’s natural and human landscapes with images. We live here. We stay here. But do we admire her beauty?

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