


An Introduction to Obon- A Japanese Summer Festival


更新於 2020年07月21日18:13 • 發布於 2020年07月16日18:29 • LikeJapan Editorial Team
An Introduction to Obon- A Japanese Summer Festival
An Introduction to Obon- A Japanese Summer Festival

You might have heard that the Japanese are organizing summer festival (夏祭り) every year. There are different kinds of summer festivals, and “Obon” (お盆) is one of them. Do you know anything about “Obon”?

“Obon” (お盆)

“Obon” (お盆), also named”urabone” (盂蘭盆会), arises from the Buddhist ceremony. “Obon” was first held during the Asuka period (飛鳥時代 Asuka jidai), which has a history of about 1400 years. It became a unique Japanese traditional festival for ancestors worship after a thousand years. Before Meiji Period (明治時代 Meiji jidai) “Obon” was held on the 15th July of the lunar calendar, but now people stick to the solar calendar that “obon” is held mainly between 13-16th July or August every year, depending on regions.

What do people do in “Obon”?

1. Shouryou Uma (精霊馬)

Japanese welcome the spirits of ancestors home during every-year “Obon”. Japanese will use eggplant and cucumber to make a horse called “shouryou uma” (精霊馬) for taking their ancestors’ spirits home.  “Shouryou uma” literally means “the horse of spirits.”

2. Bon Dance (盆踊り)

“Bon Dance” (盆踊り Bon Odori) is also part of this “Obon” tradition. Again, they dance for their ancestors and the music and style varies across Japan. The Gujō Odori (郡上踊り) of Gifu Prefecture, the Awa Odori (阿波踊り) of Tokushima Prefecture, and the Nishimonai no Bonodori (西馬音内の盆踊り) of Akita Prefecture are the three most famous “Bon Dance” in Japan. Let’s see below the Gujō Odori as an example.

とにかく凄い歴史だ(+_+) pic.twitter.com/8RNr3ElTGR

— KAZUYA (@KAZUYA_RV) January 16, 2020

3. Mukaebi (迎え火) & Okuribi (送り火)

They will also make a welcoming fire call “mukaebi” (迎え火) in “Obon.” “Mukae” means “welcome” in Japanese so the fire is to welcome their ancestors back.

Hoy es 13 de julio y en Japón es el Día del fuego de bienvenida para los espíritus (盆迎え火). Ya empiezan los preparativos para la festividad del Obon y hacemos la forma de caballo con batatas o berenjenas. En el pueblo de mi abuela lo hacíamos cuando era pequeña🍆🐎 pic.twitter.com/LXtQ3xmZLv

— Japón con jamón 📖 (@NekoJitaBlog) July 13, 2020

Opposingly, they also make an “Okuribi,” which means fire to send them back, at the end of “Obon” to send their ancestors back. “Okuribi” can be categorized into two types, “Okuribi in the mountain” (山の送り火) and “Okuribi in the sea” (海の送り火). This custom differs across Japan as well. Kyoto is famous for both sending some lanterns onto the river and making fire on the hill.

■鳥居形松明 曼陀羅山 20時20分点火
📷2017.8.16#五山送り火 #kyoto #送り火 #京都 #灯篭流し #灯篭 #夏の風物詩 pic.twitter.com/BD9O5w5f3U

— misapon (@misapon925) September 8, 2017

盆の最終日。先祖の精霊を送るために火を焚く風習。川や海へ送る灯籠流し/精霊流しが行われる。祭壇のお供えも精霊船に乗せ川や海に流したが環境を考えての禁止。7月15日や旧暦の7月16日に行う地方もある。京都『 五山送り火 』が有名で毎年 大文字山でかがり火が行われる。 👋😢 pic.twitter.com/5bIRiz80JL

— アネモネ (@lBwb2VB8sPxM9LL) July 15, 2020

“Obon” is a Japanese tradition for memorizing and worshiping their ancestors. Recently, it became a more joyful and famous festival among Japanese and travellers. I guess you will enjoy the atmosphere very much so go and check it out if you visit Japan during summer!

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