



Madame Figaro

更新於 2021年11月05日05:14 • 發布於 2021年11月05日09:36



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#FigaroQuote 人總有兩面。在喜歡的人面前,便不自覺表露最真實的一面;又或是最脆弱的自己。 It feels so good to be my true self in front of you. – 完整文章請看:madamefigaro.hk Follow@madamefigarohk追看更多內容! #madamefigarohk#時尚公民#幻海奇緣 #EdwardScissorhands

A post shared by Madame Figaro Hong Kong (@madamefigarohk) on Jun 13, 2020 at 2:00am PDT


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#FigaroQuote 隔了27年,戲迷又可以在台灣電影院重溫《東邪西毒:終極版》和《射鵰英雄傳之東成西就》兩部經典之作。6月19日上映,要哭要笑大家隨意選擇。 Movies “Ashes of Time” and “The Eagle Shooting Heroes” are coming back to cinemas in Taiwan. – 完整文章請看:madamefigaro.hk Follow@madamefigarohk追看更多內容! #madamefigarohk#時尚公民#東邪西毒 #東成西就 #王家衛 #劉鎮偉 #張國榮 #梁朝偉

A post shared by Madame Figaro Hong Kong (@madamefigarohk) on May 12, 2020 at 9:30pm PDT


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#FigaroQuote 人生由一個階段走進另一階段,是心甘情願,還是為勢所迫?戲院重開了,很多電影正在等待大家的支持。 Cinemas are allowed to reopen as Covid-19 recedes, the first thing to do to all of us: go watch a made in Hong Kong film. – 完整文章請看:madamefigaro.hk Follow@madamefigarohk追看更多內容! #madamefigarohk#時尚公民#金都 #港產片 #鄧麗欣 @my.prince.edward.film

A post shared by Madame Figaro Hong Kong (@madamefigarohk) on May 8, 2020 at 6:00am PDT


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#FigaroQuote 那個人到底值不值得,心底裡其實我們都懂。 You know if he's the right one. – 完整文章請看:madamefigaro.hk Follow @madamefigarohk 追看更多內容! #madamefigarohk #時尚公民 #oneday #情約一天 #annahathaway

A post shared by Madame Figaro Hong Kong (@madamefigarohk) on Jun 9, 2020 at 2:00am PDT


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#FigaroQuote 因為愛情很難,婚姻很難,所以才難忘。 Once you’re married, doing well on your own is not enough. — In The Mood For Love, 2000 完整文章請看:madamefigaro.hk Follow@madamefigarohk追看更多內容! #madamefigarohk#時尚公民#花樣年華 #王家衛 #inthemoonforlove #梁朝偉 #張曼玉

A post shared by Madame Figaro Hong Kong (@madamefigarohk) on Apr 12, 2020 at 6:00am PDT


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【@madamefigarohk 】《重慶森林》教會我們的事。 #FigaroQuote 今年是《重慶森林》上映25週年。 People keep changing. Knowing someone means nothing. This year is the 25th anniversary of "Chungking Express". · 完整文章請看:madamefigaro.hk Follow@madamefigarohk追看更多內容! #madamefigarohk#時尚公民 #重慶森林 #王家衛

A post shared by Madame Figaro Hong Kong (@madamefigarohk) on Apr 6, 2020 at 2:00am PDT


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#FigaroQuote 我們都是彼此的救贖。 Love isn’t about perfection, but about to appreciate the imperfect person. 完整文章請看:madamefigaro.hk Follow@madamefigarohk追看更多內容! #madamefigarohk #時尚公民#哈爾移動城堡 #宮崎駿 #金句

A post shared by Madame Figaro Hong Kong (@madamefigarohk) on Apr 3, 2020 at 6:00am PDT


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#FigaroQuote 只要我們都能勇敢一點。 港產仍能是好電影,只差我們的支持。恭喜太保 @taibocheung 成金像獎影帝! If it’s meant to be, you’ll meet in next life. – 完整文章請看:madamefigaro.hk Follow@madamefigarohk追看更多內容! – #madamefigarohk#時尚公民#金像獎 #太保 #影帝

A post shared by Madame Figaro Hong Kong (@madamefigarohk) on May 6, 2020 at 4:14am PDT


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#MF_Quote The best is yet to come. #madamefigarohk #時尚公民 #宮崎峻 #哈爾移動城堡 #quote

A post shared by Madame Figaro Hong Kong (@madamefigarohk) on Feb 28, 2020 at 2:01am PST

The best is yet to come.

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#MF_Quote 這部電影的攝影師就是余靜萍,也是 Ellen 的妻子。在拍攝的期間,儘管她面對生命的陰暗,但仍努力地完成拍攝。戲裏戲外窒息的世界,仍要繼續呼吸。 的確,生活真不容易過,只想低調與世無爭地做好自己想做的事,但世界也要給你挑戰。 完整文章請看:madamefigaro.hk Follow @madamefigarohk 追看更多內容! #madamefigarohk #時尚公民 #fashion #少年的你 #盧凱彤 #ellenloo #lgbt #filmphotography #filmphotographer @rockmuiii

A post shared by Madame Figaro Hong Kong (@madamefigarohk) on Dec 27, 2019 at 9:29pm PST



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