


【澳洲】春回塔斯曼尼亞 一起發掘島上四大自然奇觀吧!

Travelbag.hk 線上旅遊雜誌

發布於 2022年09月25日10:30 • Kate



南半球最高海懸崖|塔斯曼半島|豪伊岬Cape Hauy

塔斯曼尼亞有無數懸崖,其中一個更成為南半球最高海懸崖,正是位於荷伯特以東的塔斯曼半島(Tasman Penninsula)的豪伊岬(Cape Hauy),高300米成垂直180度,站在上面當真會使人眩暈和腳軟。

說得驚險,又怎去豪伊岬呢?2018年11月,政府開放「三角海步道」(Three Capes Track),包括豪伊岬、皮勒岬(Cape Pillar)和拉烏爾岬(Cape Raoul),全長48公里。步道雖長需行四日三夜,但能飽覽塔斯曼尼亞蜿蜒曲折海岸線景致,速成最熱門健行路線,豪伊岬當然成為最多人打咭地!站在豪伊岬,能感受大海威力,也看到附近海邊奇觀,望下去就是高65米的神奇石柱「圖騰柱」(Totem Pole),「一柱擎天」吸引不少攀岩愛好者來挑戰和感受大自然威力。不懂攀岩,也可參加本地團坐橡皮艇在柱下盤旋,抬頭望上去,更覺高不可攀!


Tessellated Pavement

同樣在塔斯曼半島擁有曲折崎嶇且滿佈岩石海岸線,在鷹頸峽(Eaglehawk Neck)更可觀賞奇形岩層,最著名正是棋盤石(Tessellated Pavement),寬平巨石的裂縫形成天然十字交叉圖案,潮退後就會呈現一出來,每到黃昏在微光和淺水交錯下,形成波光𥻘𥻘,又成為打咭景點!

The most well known example of a tessellated pavement is the Tessellated Pavement that is found at Lufra, Teralina / Eaglehawk Neck on the Turrakana / Tasman Peninsula of Tasmania. This example consists of two types of formations: a pan formation and a loaf formation
The most well known example of a tessellated pavement is the Tessellated Pavement that is found at Lufra, Teralina / Eaglehawk Neck on the Turrakana / Tasman Peninsula of Tasmania. This example consists of two types of formations: a pan formation and a loaf formation

世界第二大溫帶雨林|塔斯曼尼亞東北部 塔金 Tarkine

塔斯曼尼亞東北部仍保留世界罕有和保存最完整的溫帶雨林塔金(takayna/Tarkine),甚少人工污染,氣候潮濕令不少原如動植物仍活在雨林內,不少都是瀕危絕種和稀有物種,如世界最高的候恩木(Huon Pine)。

Tarkine Trails is a boutique tour company focussed on guiding small groups into the heart of the Australian wilderness and onto the paths less travelled.
Tarkine Trails is a boutique tour company focussed on guiding small groups into the heart of the Australian wilderness and onto the paths less travelled.
The majestic Pieman River is set amongst rainforest at the southern end of of the takayna / Tarkine wilderness area. Here, nature is the star and the old-growth rainforest is a living link with the ancient supercontinent Gondwana, filled with Huon Pine, Leatherwood, Sassafras, and lichen covered ancient Myrtle trees.
The majestic Pieman River is set amongst rainforest at the southern end of of the takayna / Tarkine wilderness area. Here, nature is the star and the old-growth rainforest is a living link with the ancient supercontinent Gondwana, filled with Huon Pine, Leatherwood, Sassafras, and lichen covered ancient Myrtle trees.
Tarkine Trails is a boutique tour company focussed on guiding small groups into the heart of the Australian wilderness and onto the paths less travelled.
Tarkine Trails is a boutique tour company focussed on guiding small groups into the heart of the Australian wilderness and onto the paths less travelled.


布尼島(Bruny Island)被稱為島中島(the island of the island),與塔斯曼尼亞本島隔着安特卡斯特海峽(D’Entrecasteaux Channel),由荷伯特開車約40分鐘到南邊小鎮凱特靈(Kettering),再坐輪船約20分鐘便可到達。雖島上有發展葡萄酒和芝士等工業,仍保留未經人工化地方,成為小動物棲息地,如在本島已見不到的白化沙袋鼠,不過牠們都神出鬼沒,想在野外環境遇上,就要選擇在黎明和黃昏時出外找其影踪!

Bruny Island Neck is an isthmus of land connecting north and south Bruny Island.
Bruny Island Neck is an isthmus of land connecting north and south Bruny Island.

資料及相片提供:Tourism Tasmania

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