人物專訪 | 智樂Playright 醫院遊戲師
醫院遊戲師會在小朋友的抗病歷程中, 都會在不同的階段提供一些適合的醫院遊戲服務
在小朋友眼中,醫院遊戲師在他們生命中扮演著陪伴者更是好朋友, 家長就是同行者,為他們分擔重擔
生病或住院 其實都會為小朋友帶來很多限制 醫院遊戲師就可以將外面的元素帶進來 讓小朋友看看世界是很精彩的,貫徹 『病咗都要玩!Right to Play』的宗旨!
Playright 智樂兒童遊樂協會 https://www.playright.org.hk/ @playrighthk
智樂醫院遊戲師:Julia(豬豬姐姐)& Doris(藍莓姐姐)
Consent from parent: pls note that Playright has already asked for the consent form signing of the parents that the shooting of this interview and related material provision would be used for the sole purpose of this media platform for this specific episode for once only.
👇 更多影片清單 👇
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Disclaimer: The health information provided here is for educational purposes and reference only. Please consult with your doctor or other health professional to make sure this information is right for you.The English subtitle is for reference only which may not be a standardized medical term.
醫院遊戲師專訪 | 『病咗都要玩!』給抗病兒童一個遊戲夢 | 生命絕望時 智樂遊戲師 把窗外的大世界帶給病童 玩樂的希望 Right to Play!| 健康專家
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