

更新於 2020年02月13日08:27 • 發布於 2020年02月13日12:53





1. 梁茵(Anita)靠色誘上位——「威龍潘金蓮」



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千回百轉,我們又再交接了 #威龍潘金蓮 #愛回家 #開心速遞 #anita #kc #龍鳳鬥

A post shared by 梁茵 Leung Yan (@kikoleungyan) on Jul 2, 2018 at 2:09am PDT

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小姐你又想點呀?唔怕凍親ar?想要……人哋件衫都唔使用呢啲屎橋嘅! #愛回家之開心速遞 #anita

A post shared by 梁茵 Leung Yan (@kikoleungyan) on Dec 21, 2017 at 10:40am PST



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最近肥左,請勿見怪! #冇腰人士 #愛回家之開心速遞 #anita

A post shared by 梁茵 Leung Yan (@kikoleungyan) on Nov 3, 2017 at 12:37am PDT

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A post shared by 梁茵 Leung Yan (@kikoleungyan) on Jun 7, 2017 at 3:41am PDT

2. 簡淑兒(少女熊尚善)30歲


愛回家, 女配角, TVB, Anita, Bonnie
愛回家, 女配角, TVB, Anita, Bonnie

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#謝謝你 ❤️ #傷過我 💔

A post shared by Jessica Kan 簡淑兒 (@kan_jessica) on Sep 3, 2018 at 3:32am PDT

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記得細個嘅時候好鍾意對星星許願~ 唔係無知, 唔係迷信, 應該係一種寄托吧~ 🌟 @chocoolatehk @ithk

A post shared by Jessica Kan 簡淑兒 (@kan_jessica) on Jul 30, 2018 at 7:29am PDT


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⚪️ All white❕All right❕

A post shared by Jessica Kan 簡淑兒 (@kan_jessica) on Jul 16, 2018 at 1:02am PDT

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Happy Friday~ 😄 #lovingtheweather #andthefreshjuice @toutacouphk

A post shared by Jessica Kan 簡淑兒 (@kan_jessica) on May 3, 2018 at 11:22pm PDT

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我喜歡邊行mall, 邊按摩~ 仲要食埋雪條! 😛 #CandyCrush #Citywalk #聖誕糖果嘉年華

A post shared by Jessica Kan 簡淑兒 (@kan_jessica) on Nov 28, 2016 at 3:33am PST

3. 岑杏賢(Icy)

岑杏賢在《愛回家》中扮演Icy 一角,表面上是龍敢威的秘書和表姨,實際上是替佘秀琴監視龍敢威。


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踏入29❣️ 希望這一年可以 堅持自己所定下 每一天過得充實難忘同無憾 ☺️ 多謝每一位給我的生日祝福 您們的心意我全部收到了💌 Thank you everyone who make my birthday feel extra special and warm this year 🌻

A post shared by Jennifer Shum ✨岑杏賢 (@jenniferjshum) on Oct 10, 2017 at 8:03am PDT


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🌾 從心.從簡🌿 🍃 😊#WelcomeToMyLife

A post shared by Jennifer Shum ✨岑杏賢 (@jenniferjshum) on Jun 16, 2017 at 11:58pm PDT

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Bright blue with flash, but Navy Blue without flash 📷 1 dress 2 colours in a night💙 #TvbSalesPresentation2018 ✨

A post shared by Jennifer Shum ✨岑杏賢 (@jenniferjshum) on Nov 4, 2017 at 8:44am PDT

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🥊the serotonin hypes got me focus and enjoying the moment! Remember👀The only person you have to battle with, it’s yourself not anybody else🧡 #WorkOutIsGood #BoxingIsFun#CardioIsAmazing#WhatsMoreImportant#ToEnjoyEveryMoment

A post shared by Jennifer Shum ✨岑杏賢 (@jenniferjshum) on Sep 12, 2018 at 10:28pm PDT

4. 何艷娟(龍作蜜Vivian)28歲


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在說什麼呢😛 #愛回家 #vivian #tvb

A post shared by Katherine Ho (@katherine_hoyk) on Oct 20, 2018 at 3:26am PDT

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A glance at the past few years filled with lovely adventures and treasurable memories. Sometimes I wish I could just freeze the moments to save them from the funny tricks of time. Nonetheless, I will always remember one thing that holds true no matter what- be lively and bold; happy and contented; carefree but prudent; diligent but laid-back at times. #時光飛逝 #珍惜每一天 #positivity #misshk #misshongkong #addoil #misshongkong2017

A post shared by Katherine Ho (@katherine_hoyk) on Sep 3, 2017 at 7:12am PDT

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So happy that I got to catch up with my best friend from Japan at my favorite tempura restaurant! 🦐 #tokyo #tempura

A post shared by Katherine Ho (@katherine_hoyk) on Oct 7, 2018 at 3:03am PDT


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Night night 🌙

A post shared by Katherine Ho (@katherine_hoyk) on Sep 1, 2018 at 10:32am PDT

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#sicilia #italy

A post shared by Katherine Ho (@katherine_hoyk) on Aug 23, 2018 at 1:53am PDT

5. 陳偉琪(細龍太)28歲

她在《愛回家》中飾演Jenny ,是雷洛之女,也是威龍百貨公司行政總裁的特別助理,其後因為在「厄里梧島」發現有違禁品,入獄半年。

《愛回家之開心速遞》9位索女配角勁吸睛!梁茵、 簡淑兒、岑杏賢⋯⋯仲有34D邵珮詩

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Being sexy is all about attitude not body type. It's a state of mind. 咁 chok 做 乜喎? #chok #bride #elegant #attitude #hot #gown #sexy #hawt Makeup: @carmen_wongwm Hair: @weconcept.co @ryanleung8888

A post shared by Vicky Chan 陳偉琪 (@vthechan) on Apr 4, 2018 at 7:14am PDT

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Elegance is not about being noticed. It's about being remembered.💋❤️ #elegance #quotes #attitude #gown #bridal #redcarpet #ootd #monday Hair: @weconcept.co Makeup: @carmen_wongwm

A post shared by Vicky Chan 陳偉琪 (@vthechan) on Apr 30, 2018 at 5:01am PDT

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Sometimes it's the princess who kills the dragon and saves the Prince. 👑 唔通我o係度玩道具又話你聽咩? #photooftheday #bride #Queen #princess #crown #goofball #pirate #elegance #attitude #badassery #陳chok琪 Hair: Ryan @weconcept.co Makeup: @carmen_wongwm

A post shared by Vicky Chan 陳偉琪 (@vthechan) on Mar 30, 2018 at 8:56pm PDT


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Hammock and chill time. 🌞 Just make sure you don't fall over! 琴日 #開心速遞 比 Terry @liwaikin9670 玩返,心裡很不爽。係時候放鬆下,同爸爸媽媽諗下點對付佢。😏 #globetravelgram #globetrotter #phuket #maikhaobeach #sand #bikini #sunkissed #tanning #細龍太 📷 @natalie_cha

A post shared by Vicky Chan 陳偉琪 (@vthechan) on May 29, 2018 at 10:15pm PDT

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Have been getting a lot of questions about aqua biking today. Let me try and answer them all here. Biking in a tub sounds weird at first, but I have to say, it was very rejuvenating in ice cold ozone water with jacuzzi which relaxes you while working out. Fully enjoyed this experience! o係冰凍的 Jacuzzi 裡面踩單車真係好爽。做運動又唔會不停流汗,舒服地 burn 左 500 calories. 正!💪💪🔥🔥 @velocityhk #aquabiking #workout #relax #stayhungry #keepgoing #fitness #bikini #jacuzzi #sunkissed #sunshine

A post shared by Vicky Chan 陳偉琪 (@vthechan) on May 28, 2018 at 2:51am PDT

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Travel light. Live light. Spread the light. Be the light. 🌞 #travelgram #transformation #passionpassport #gypsysoul #girlsthatwander #beachlife #beachfinds #boudoirphotography #ilovebali #roamtheplanet #letsgosomewhere #uluwatu #optoutside #nakidmag #glamourshot #bikinilife

A post shared by Vicky Chan 陳偉琪 (@vthechan) on Aug 23, 2017 at 7:09pm PDT

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She turned her cants into cans and her dreams into plans. 💪🤘 @theedgebali #seaview #ocean #cliff #elegant #dress #beach #sunkissed #travelphotography #nature #bali #magic #quotes #strongissexy #justanotherchan

A post shared by Vicky Chan 陳偉琪 (@vthechan) on Aug 21, 2017 at 11:35pm PDT

6. 34D邵珮詩(Heidi)29歲


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由細到大睇TVB節目,以前用錄影帶錄完又睇睇完又再回味,喺外國讀書時都係靠電視劇去學中文。陪着我成長的公司,估唔到我呢日會以一位演員身份同佢為佢演出慶祝50週年生日🎂 好開心好榮幸。 Thank you TVB🔥✨✨ #happybirthdayagain #magicalmoment #veronicashiu #今年台慶好好睇 #處境劇組 #50花旦 #條裙星光褶褶 #灰姑娘明天變番欣欣了 #又多左好多異性朋友 #終於上左排行榜玩 #nomore雙emoji唔該😂😂

A post shared by Veronica Shiu 邵珮詩 (@verbeeshiu) on Nov 20, 2017 at 3:54am PST

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Happy Valentines’ day, loves❤️ (Vancouver time) #adaytobesweet #myheartpoppedout #greatnowilooklikeSailorMoon😅 #verbeestyle

A post shared by Veronica Shiu 邵珮詩 (@verbeeshiu) on Feb 14, 2018 at 1:34pm PST

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Twas a glamorous night tonight at the #HKTDCjewelryshow 💎💍 especially enjoyable when there’s unexpected good company at your table!💜@hktdclifestyle #ruby #diamonds #gemstones #lookingprettyandsmiling #ireallylikelookingup😂

A post shared by Veronica Shiu 邵珮詩 (@verbeeshiu) on Mar 1, 2018 at 6:54am PST


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Start your day with a grateful heart & plenty of mindfulness🍁 #feelgoodfriday🌞 #mindfulactions #simplethingscanbesobeautiful #playwithyourphoneless #nowdowhatyouwanttodo☺️ #livewithclarity

A post shared by Veronica Shiu 邵珮詩 (@verbeeshiu) on Oct 18, 2018 at 8:43pm PDT

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Your strongest muscle and worst enemy is your mind. Retain the good and away with the bad. Train it well. #病了 #每次病先懂得愛惜自己 #個腦不停轉 #係時候休息下😙😙 #stayconstantlikenature

A post shared by Veronica Shiu 邵珮詩 (@verbeeshiu) on Jul 13, 2018 at 1:44am PDT

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Good Morning sir🦄 #大玩特玩 #頭髮回復黑了

A post shared by Veronica Shiu 邵珮詩 (@verbeeshiu) on Jul 31, 2018 at 9:14pm PDT

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見大家咁慷慨, 一日內增➕左幾百個followers🤡 咁不如一🌊接一🌊啦~ #又要戴黑超又要化濃妝 #矛盾嘅人生 #係呀我拮高腳 #其實我已經無34D喇😭 #問一問frd先知極罕咩意思 #oh長知識了

A post shared by Veronica Shiu 邵珮詩 (@verbeeshiu) on Jul 20, 2017 at 7:57pm PDT

7. 林凱恩(Bonnie)27歲

2015年獲得香港小競選的「友誼小姐」,之後加入無線電視,她在《愛·回家之開心速遞》飾演Bonnie ,漸漸為人所識,之後在《降魔的》中的演出也收到很多觀眾的支持和讚賞。

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一輩子那麼長,不找一個能讓自己笑的人多可惜♥️🤪 #每個相遇都是有原因的 #時間讓我學懂珍惜 #becrazy 🤟🏼#她說我老土☺️

A post shared by lamiris 林凱恩 (@iris_lammm) on Oct 9, 2018 at 11:58pm PDT

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Happy Friday ❣️❣️~林同學表示謝謝你們的關注☺️70k🎉跟我一起繼續努力,讓世界多一點樂趣😜 #alwaysbewithme #loveyou #smilenshine #lifeisfullofblessings #💋💋 #🤫

A post shared by lamiris 林凱恩 (@iris_lammm) on Aug 24, 2018 at 2:40am PDT

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睇返以前d相,我的super baby fat 絕非浪得虛名~所以說運動除了是為了吃更多仲可以變靚dd♥️☺️ #煉獄健身室 #真係有郁架 #kkm攝影師

A post shared by lamiris 林凱恩 (@iris_lammm) on Jun 26, 2018 at 7:36pm PDT

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Bello Summer~~ 🌞又到我最愛的夏水禮, Yeah!!!!!💕 #泳衣太少布🤷🏼‍♀️ #kkm反我白眼 #loveu ☺️

A post shared by lamiris 林凱恩 (@iris_lammm) on Jun 2, 2018 at 10:38pm PDT

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我或許不懂溫柔,但我懂用我的方式愛你。 #開心速遞 #麻甩女友 #安Bon #兩個不完美的人在一起 #剛剛好 #飛身射槍超型😎#知唔知點解我個樣咁痛苦? #因為安哥哥為求逼真真係捏住我🙂#

A post shared by lamiris 林凱恩 (@iris_lammm) on May 2, 2018 at 7:14am PDT

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近來對於藍色有種莫名的喜愛💙💙像海一樣平靜,一樣懶洋洋💤 #最愛問的問題 #綁馬尾還是放下好?

A post shared by lamiris 林凱恩 (@iris_lammm) on Apr 17, 2018 at 10:17pm PDT

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If you don’t think too good, don’t think too much. Good nightttttttt🌈🌈🌈♥️ #tedwilliams #ootd #smilenshine

A post shared by lamiris 林凱恩 (@iris_lammm) on Apr 6, 2018 at 6:50am PDT

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最理想的感情,應該是彼此陪伴,成為對方的陽光☀️謝謝我的同伴們💙💚❤️💛💜So please don’t take my Sunshine away ~ #see u tonight #💗👸🏼

A post shared by lamiris 林凱恩 (@iris_lammm) on Apr 13, 2018 at 12:31am PDT

8. 蘇韻姿(熊心如)26歲


《愛回家之開心速遞》9位索女配角勁吸睛!梁茵、 簡淑兒、岑杏賢⋯⋯仲有34D邵珮詩


《愛回家之開心速遞》9位索女配角勁吸睛!梁茵、 簡淑兒、岑杏賢⋯⋯仲有34D邵珮詩
《愛回家之開心速遞》9位索女配角勁吸睛!梁茵、 簡淑兒、岑杏賢⋯⋯仲有34D邵珮詩
《愛回家之開心速遞》9位索女配角勁吸睛!梁茵、 簡淑兒、岑杏賢⋯⋯仲有34D邵珮詩
《愛回家之開心速遞》9位索女配角勁吸睛!梁茵、 簡淑兒、岑杏賢⋯⋯仲有34D邵珮詩

9. 鄺潔楹(Venus)27歲


《愛回家之開心速遞》9位索女配角勁吸睛!梁茵、 簡淑兒、岑杏賢⋯⋯仲有34D邵珮詩
《愛回家之開心速遞》9位索女配角勁吸睛!梁茵、 簡淑兒、岑杏賢⋯⋯仲有34D邵珮詩
《愛回家之開心速遞》9位索女配角勁吸睛!梁茵、 簡淑兒、岑杏賢⋯⋯仲有34D邵珮詩
《愛回家之開心速遞》9位索女配角勁吸睛!梁茵、 簡淑兒、岑杏賢⋯⋯仲有34D邵珮詩

相關文章: 32B鄺潔楹面形變尖! 富家女入行前「校服Look」曝光!


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留言 1
  • Baddy Mane
    最正係梁茵, 樣靚身材正。 但出呢個帖啲曱甴一定話TVB啲女演員唔夠佢哋啲曱甴天使正, 曱甴天使有老有肥有做雞嘅, 多元化😂😂