
Chinese medical experts welcomed for aiding battle against COVID-19 overseas

發布於 2020年04月02日10:28

Local people greet members of the third Chinese medical team with an elbow bump instead of handshake as the medics arrive at Milan Malpensa Airport in Milan, Italy, March 25, 2020. A team of 14 medical experts from southeast China's Fujian Province arrived in Milan via a chartered flight to Italy on March 25 to aid the European country's fight against the COVID-19 outbreak. (Xinhua)

China has dispatched medical experts to multiple countries, including Italy, Serbia, Pakistan and Venezuela.


BEIJING, April 2 (Xinhua) -- Chinese medical experts are highly valued and welcomed abroad for helping foreign countries fighting against the ravaging COVID-19 pandemic, the National Health Commission (NHC) said Thursday.

Li Mingzhu, an official with the NHC, said at a press conference in Beijing that China had dispatched medical experts to multiple countries, including Italy, Serbia, Pakistan and Venezuela.

Selected from different provincial regions and assembled by the NHC, Chinese medical expert teams dispatched to other countries are tasked to carry out exchange and coordination with local health authorities, medical institutions and experts, share experience on COVID-19 prevention response, provide a variety of professional training and consultations, as well as offer help to oversea Chinese people, Li said.


Chinese medical teams consist of medical workers who specialize in public health, clinical diagnosis and treatment, and traditional Chinese medicine, he added.  ■