香港人經常使用的Konglish(港式英語)原來不一定都是錯的。大排檔、叉燒、街坊等地道粵語,都被納入《牛津英語詞典》當中,不少港式詞彙在詞典更以粵語拼音顯示,即係話過多幾年,港人兜口兜面跟鬼佬說Dai Pai Dong(大排檔),他們也是有可能明白的。
街坊 Kaifong
e.g. We are Kaifong , you help me I help you is ok~
大排檔 Dai Pai Dong
e.g. I bring you to eat Dai Pai Dong tonight, ho jeng ga!
飲茶 Yum Cha
e.g. We go Yum Cha next time when you are free, bye bye~
利是 Lucky Money
e.g. Mama said she need to save up my lucky money for going to college.
街市 Wet Market
e.g. Hong Kong C9 loves go to wet market buy dishes cook rice.
夾心階層 Sandwich Class
e.g. Being sandwich class, no public house, no private house, no future, so sad.
叉燒 Cha Siu
e.g. "I give birth to a cha siu better than give birth to you ar!" said Mama.
Text: Wendy