In a recent Vegas show, 13-time Grammy award winner Lady Gaga donned a gown created by none other than dynamic local designers Rizman Nordin and Ruzaini Jamil. The gorgeous red gown was showered in a sea of Swarovski crystals, matching the artist’s bold and spectacular persona.
This is not the first time Rizman Ruzaini has put Malaysia on the international fashion map. Supermodel Naomi Campbell walked the runway for Rizman Ruizaini’s spring/summer 2024 showcase in Dubai in October last year. Following their success in Dubai, they received calls from several Hollywood agencies, including a stylist who worked with Lady Gaga.
Read more: Dubai Fashion Week: Naomi Campbell closes Malaysian couture brand Rizman Ruzaini’s show
“We sent the dress to the agency in charge of Lady Gaga’s dresses early this year,” commented the designers. “The initial plan was for the dress to be worn only during dinner shows. But when it arrived there, Lady Gaga wanted to keep it and wear it for a grander event. She said the design was too grand for dinner shows.”
A sketch of the designs for the dress worn by Lady Gaga (Photo: Rizman Ruzaini)
Just last week, Rizman Ruzaini also made history as the very first Malaysian brand to be featured in London’s Victoria & Albert Museum, as a part of the Naomi: In Fashion exhibit. This is not only a huge step for Rizman Ruzaini, which had humble beginnings, but for the Malaysian fashion industry as a whole.
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