

Stand News 立場新聞
更新於 2019年11月08日01:21 • 發布於 2019年11月07日10:02




Good morning to all of you. It's a wonderful day. You can see the sky is blue, sun is out. I welcome all of you to this wonderful occasion. Before I begin, I'd just say a few words. Regrettably, some actions last night and this morning, which is somewhat careless, disrespectful and sometimes hateful, which has cause some displacement of university properties, and also compromise the very nature of this ceremony. This is a happy occasion, this is a celebratory occasion. It's particularly for our graduates, their family, and their freinds and guest. On behalf of CUHK, I would like to express my deep regret for some of the compromises that we've seen. 

Now, in view of some of this things, I will actually forego my prepared speech. It's a long speech. I think you are used to long speeches from me. I would instead post my speech on the website, in Chinese as well as in English. You can take a look at what I have prepared. Instead, I just want to really talk to all of you, directly from my heart. And of course, my audience today are the graduates. I am very proud of all of you. You have worked very, very hard for today. Today is a wonderful occasion for you to remember the rest of your life,  number one. Number two, that your friend, your family, your teachers, all of us, will remember, is something that one day you will go through your photo album, you will point to this and tell your children, "see that's dad, that's mum, we have wonderful time." I want you to remember that. 

My message today will be very…to the point. Three things, I want all the CUHK graduates to remember. The first one is the community. Human beings, by definition, are community animals, no one lives alone. No one ever lives alone. Terrible life to live alone. We are all part of the community. And today is a transition. Graduation is a transition. You will be changing forever the way you live because you will be moving from one mode of living, to another. The mode in the university is, for the large part, a receiving mode. You go to class, you get a grade. You have to hand in your homework. You have to go to the cafeteria at a certain time because otherwise, they close. It is always receiving, lot of it. But after you graduate, It is a time to share, and it is a time to serve. You will be serving your community, whatever community you happen to be in. So what is a community, a community is by definition, not a group of clones. A community is made up of different people. They have different value, they have different lifestlye. They wear different clothes, they have different favourable colours. They like different kind of music, they wake up at a different time of the day. A community is by defintion, a group of different people who live together, who work together, who hang out together, who go to the same things together. You will be a member of that community. 

How does a community thrive, how does a community grow? It is build on mutual respect, mutual understanding that you all start with serving the community as your premise. I think at the end of the day, when we finish our life on earth, I often compare the earth to a spaceship, which is flying through time and space, we are all passengers. We have a ticket. We got on. At some point, we have to get off. When you get off, what is the meaning of your existence? The meaning is what you have done in terms of serving the community. I urge all of you to remember that. This is an important moment in time. You will be transitioning from the university to the community. 

The second thing I want you to remember is that life is a continuous one. Every day is not a single day. Today is the tomorrow of yesterday, and it's also the yesterday of tomorrow. It goes on. Life goes on. So never only pay attention to today. Do not be deterred by any failures you have today, and also, very importantly, never be contempt with whatever success you have today because life goes on.

Some of you may know that I am actually a sort of a tissue-engineered stem cell guy. What we do in my lab is that we do 3D printing, 3D bioprinting. We take little things, and we build them one stack at a time. And we end up with a 3D object. I often tell people at my lab, people I work with, I said 3D is not enough, life is 4D. Because this thing that we just made is 3 dimensional, actually have another dimension. And that dimension is time. Time is about one day following another. So always remember, do not be deterred by whatever you failed today, and never be contempt whatever success you may have today. 

The last thing I want to say is about happiness. I am no smart philosopher, so I am gonna quote somebody else. That I believe is probably one of the most amazing humanitarian that ever lived, Albert Schweitzer. He is a physician, a philosopher, an humanitarian. He devoted his whole life to making life better for others. I'll quote what he said, some people say success is the key to happiness. He would say, "happiness is the key to success." If you are happy doing what you are doing, you will succeed. Always remember that. You start out with happiness, then you will succeed. It doesn't go the other way. Albert Schweitzer, most of the thing he said is very right. I think this is one of them. I will stop here and have to say farewell to all of you. I have to emphasis the farewell is just for now because I am sure that you will come back as CUHK alumni and I will see you on campus. Thank you. 




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  • Siu Siu Siu
  • Justleavemealone
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  • Devil May Laugh